Sunday, December 16, 2012

Training Log: Entry 1338


Notes: Trying to get some extra chest work in when I can, just to bring up a weakspot.

Treadmill run
Speed: 7.9
Incline: 1%
Distance: 1.5 miles
Time: 11:19

I have a blog dedicated to my thoughts on training now rather than just my numbers


  1. Oh hell yes. I'm glad I have more to read from you.As I type this Xanga is prompting me underneath to add a "Mini" to my comment with an assortment of little stamps to choose from, including a coconut and a bunny, but not before selecting my number of eProps. So why did you choose something that isn't Xanga again?

  2. Along with that, Xanga just has the connotation of being from the Livejournal era of blogs, where they were just for teenage girls to talk about important things like how Buffy and Angel should totally hook up. It is amazing how things have grown.
