Thursday, March 5, 2015

Training Log: Entry 1803

Axle Press



Notes: Push press for the first set, strict press for the second.  Lifetime PR for the push press.  Finally figuring this out.  The clean is still the hardest part.  Failed the first attempt at the clean, came back and nailed the second.  Actually did it too good, and just about knocked myself on my ass, but after I recovered it was pretty smooth.  Initial dip is still slow and I forgot to try to get my head through, but it seems like things are really moving in a positive direction.

DB bench 105
1x5 w/reactive slingshot

superset w/

GB pulldowns 90

Superset w/

Pull aparts

Notes: Tweaked my right elbow a touch on the slingshot set, but otherwise solid.  Next move is to incline the bench up 1 notch and work from there.

Fat gripz chain curls

superset w/

Band pushdowns

Superset w/

GB pulldowns 90

Notes: Like the fat grip chain curls.  Hooked the chains to a D-ring, and put the grips on it.  Might stick with this for a bit.

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