Monday, March 23, 2015

Training Log: Entry 1815

Weighted chins 45
30 reps
Bench 220
superset w/
Band pull aparts

Notes: Deload week for Matt Kroc's program.  Went much smoother than the first time.  Definitely getting stronger on the bench.  Bought a DBZ shirt from Hot Topic with a huge logo on the back that works great for sticking to the bench.  Gives me a chance to fly my nerd flag too.

Shoulder circuit
3 rounds
superset w/
DB rows 105

Notes: Hit the rows through out the workout in between warm-ups of bench and the shoulder circuit.  Really trying to focus on the contraction at the top of the rep on the rows.

I keep losing weight despite eating junky crap.  Part of me thinks it's the increased intensity in training, and the other part thinks that I am subconsciously eating less overall because I am aware of the fact that I am eating junk food.  I tend to gain weight when I eat better.  Need to take this into consideration, because I'm feeling more beat up than I should this far outside of a contest.

On the plus side, I could see my abs through my shirt yesterday morning, so I guess that's kind of cool.


  1. Please wear the DBZ shirt to the comp.

    1. Haha, it might make an appearance, but I've got my normal tacky Punisher shirt and have been making an effort to wear the contest shirt more often. Apparently it's good etiquette to wear the comp shirt, since it has the sponsors on it and such. I didn't know that for my first 3 contests, haha.
