Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Training Log: Entry 1962


Leaning lateral raises 20lbs

Band pull aparts

Notes: Really focused on squeezing the contraction at the end here. Normally, I pump out pull aparts with pretty minimal ROM, just hitting the end over and over again, but this time I made sure to return my hands in front of me for each rep and drive really hard to the end. Made a difference.

Axle strict press

Notes: This was supposed to be a military press where I slowly work up to a 6 rep max, with at least 4 sets being work sets. Switched to the axle, and then hung around a little bit after hitting the 3rm, just trying to get in a little more volume. Suppose I could work up a little more gradually next time, but I honestly had no idea what I was going to put up, between the shoulder work beforehand and the bum knee. I still can't fully straighten it, so it's like trying to balance on one leg, which makes stability with overhead work a little tricky. I think the forced time off of push presses are going to be a good thing though, as my strict press needs some work. Bodyweight for 3 on an axle after all the work beforehand isn't terrible, but I used to have a lot more in me.

Barbell shrugs 335

Notes: Biggest factor is that I'm still not able to really heavily load the left leg. Can still get a decent trap workout, but I'd really like to see more weight on these movements. I'm hoping that, if nothing else, I can get a knee immobilizer at my next appointment so that I can start loading up.

General notes: Woke up at 188.6. Lightest I've been in a long time. I can actually feel some pain in the front and outside of the knee at times, which is honestly probably a positive sign, as it's means the swelling is reducing enough to get to properly diagnose what the hell is going on. The bruising on my foot/toes is reducing. ROM is improving and the speed of my limp is increasing. I was able to carry the 100lb plates around the gym today without much concern, and I've actually moved my yoke a few times without the knee buckling. It's as good as can be.

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