Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Training Log: Entry 1972


SIGNIFICANT PROGRAM DEVIATION: Due to traveling, I'm mixing and matching this week and next week's programming based on equipment availability. This is technically supposed to be next week's back workout. I will also be using next week's arm workout later this week.

Meadows row 125

Notes: I can't believe I ever stopped training this movement. It's so awesome. Definitely coming back into my program when I recover from surgery. Lots of warm-up sets to get volume in.

Chins (Rotating grips: wide grip overhand, neutral grip, close grip on v-bar)

T-bar rows (old school)

Notes: Knee stability increasing allowed me to push a little harder on these. Ended up with 4 plates and a quarter, using some hip pop for the reps.

Shrugs 405

Notes: Increased confidence with knee and technique is improving. I'm leaning back slightly so that the bar can slide up and down my legs versus hanging freely in space. More akin to how I would deadlift.

1x20 w/lightband
1x15 w/lightband
1x12 w/lightband +3 bodyweight

General notes: Woke up at 189.8. I'm eating slightly dirtier than normal, but not going crazy. Example: Instead of having leftovers for lunch, I went to Subway yesterday and ate the inside of a meatball sub with lots of veggies, and I had one of the higher carb quest bars. I'm kind of burning out nutritionally, but I also know that, with surgery coming up, I'll really need to stay dialed in to keep from falling apart.

Pulled hamstring is feeling much better today. Was worried it was another tendon issue that I had mis-diagnosed.    

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