Thursday, November 5, 2015

Training Log: Entry 1974


Axle curl dropset

Notes: Once again, an axle instead of a barbell. This is lighter weight than the first time I ran this (which was with a barbell), but I was feeling it way more in the biceps. Checked my ego a bit and accomplished the goal of the movement. Lots of warm-ups too for volume.

Straight bar pushdown dropset

Notes: Using my plate loaded rig, so weights are in terms of plates. I need to apply some WD40 to it, because the middle portion would have a stopping point that was tough to overcome, but just a new stimulus to train with.

Cable curls 40lbs

Notes: Still on the plate loaded rig, using a lat pulldown bar with no rotation on it. 45 seconds rest between sets. I actually felt like I was going to puke around the 3rd or 4th set. Quite a sensation when it comes to curls. Lactic acid perhaps?

Lying grenade ball chain extensions

Notes: 45 seconds rest between sets. Not a program deviation: actually called for grenade balls and chains.

Axle reverse curls

Notes: Program called for EZ bar. Just the bare axle, used straps this time to save my thumb. 45 seconds rest between sets

Overhead tricep extensions w/light band

Notes: Program called for cable stack, but this works well. 45 seconds rest between sets.

General notes: Woke up at 188.6. Arm day is once again my least satisfying and most likely most needed training day. Prowler is supposed to arrive tonight, and tomorrow is going to be lower body day, so hopefully I can work that in. I've actually been enjoying training every day of the week so far, but I'm finding that the hard thing for me is to get my mindset right. I'm used to having one movement that I go balls out on and then the rest of the day is just kind of volume fluff work. With this, I can't quite gauge when to push and when to ease back on the throttle.  

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