Monday, October 5, 2020

 Training Log: Entry 2407

DAILY TRAINING (0350 wakeup)

Conditioning Monstrosity in 4:27

Idea was to do 10 pull ups, 1 KB swing, then 1 pull up, 10 swings, then 9 and 2, 2 and 9, and meet at the middle at 5s.  Pretty sure that was way too much for my brain first thing in the morning, but I got SOMETHING done in 4:27 that got my heart rate up.

Band pull aparts


Band pushdowns


Standing ab wheel





45-ish minute walk w/45lb weight vest

Notes: Sleeping more/more restfully now.  Yesterday I had the least caffeine I'd had in a while: 300mg with my morning energy drink, and that was it.  Typically I have a few diet cokes/mountain dews through the day, but trying to see if limiting intake matters.  In truth, I think I actually sleep BETTER with late day caffeine, but it's worth the experiment.  Also had some peanut butter close to bed time to see if having some fats in the system would have any impact.  Not like I need an excuse to eat more peanut butter. Having just one spoonful, it dawned on me how easily I could eat the whole jar.

Had my ribeye yesterday.  It was honestly dissapointing.  However, my Mrs informed me that her steak was underseasoned.  She brought it up because she prefers it that way, so it was a compliment to me, but it leads me to believe that the issue may be I'm just out practice preparing steaks.  It'd be a shame if I lost my taste for them, although I DID enjoy the one I had at Texas Roadhouse.  Could just be that the grassfed stuff I got is way leaner that I'm used to.

I'm developing acne again, which I honestly think is a good sign.  I've had acne my whole life, and recently my complexion cleared up out of nowhere.  At first, I thought it was from reduced milk intake, but it honestly may have been a sign of hormone changes brought upon by stupid levels of leanness and statin use.  Been a crazy rollercoaster of health this year.


SUPERSETS (chin-press)

Chin ups (palms facing me)





Axle strict press





8+3+3x176 (rest pause w/12 deep breaths)

Trap bar strict press 135


GIANT SETS (weighted dips/DB press OR BtN press/BW dips-lateral raise-pull apart)

Weighted dips 105/DB press 50




BtN press 120/BW dips




DB lateral raises 15



Band pull aparts



Kroc rows 115



Tabata rounds on BAS

2 mile walk

Notes: 90 seconds rest between giant sets.  No rest on the mainwork.  The chins have identified an interesting strength deficiency: I'm MUCH stronger with neutral grip. Definitely excited to fix this, as chins make you jacked. 

The press is still a touch heavier than I like for a 5s week: I may walk it back 2 cycles come next go round.  More reps are going to be how I grow.  The final +3 was a near life experience, so I was pleased with the grind.

Kept hitting the back of my head on the first set of BtN press: my set-up is different than where I was.  Grip was too narrow too.  After giving it a legit 2 weeks, I'm unsold on the Paul Carter program, and will just stick with what I have here.

Did the Kroc rows bracing off the pins in my power rack vs on a flat bench.  Better set-up for torso angle and getting the legs out of the way of the bell.

Making conscious efforts to get in more food.  Today's been a decent high fat day.  Pleased with the good sources I'm relying on.  Tomorrow I'm going to make a chili to feed me all week.  Going to be based off ground turkey, grass fed ground beef, left over tri tip steak, and some seafood medley.  No beans, because Texas is awesome.

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