Tuesday, October 6, 2020

 Training Log: Entry 2408

DAILY TRAINING (0350 Wakeup)

Chins w/rest pause

29 underhand

8 NG

8 Wide grip NG

6 close grip NG

35 band pull aparts

25 band pushdowns

20 standing ab wheel

Tabata KB swings

30 GHR


45ish minute walk with dogs w/45lb weight vest

Notes: I seem to be getting about an hour more sleep out of the melatonin.  Dogs still are a factor: the youngest one has gotten used to my sleep hours, so now she starts getting excited around 0330.  At that point, I'm already pretty much ready to go myself, but I allow myself to doze a little longer.

AM TRAINING (0700-ish)

Buffalo Bar Squats





REST PAUSE (12 deep breaths between sets)





4x5x320 (failed on 5th rep of 4th set)

Strip-rerack bar



90 second rest

SUPERSETS (squat-hyper), 90 seconds between sets

Belt squat (lockout only when necessary on reps)




STRIPSET (no rest between sets)





Reverse hyper 360


Notes: Skimped the conditioning at the end, because I wanted to work on a ridiculous chili that's going to feed me all week at work.  Let me brag about that first, since it's currently cooking.

That's it in the browning stage.  That is 1lb of ground turkey, 1.25lbs of ground grassfed beef, an undetermined amount of seafood medley and some leftover tri tip steak.  I actually had some leftover chicken thighs I meant to throw in: next time.  Along with that is a mixed variety of different crushed canned tomatoes.  No beans, because, again, Texas.

Here it is in the instant pot, with 1 cup of beef stock.

It smells amazing.  Will report taste later.

The squat workout is evolving again.  I really liked that 5x5 I did in the middle of the last one, and wanted to bring that back.  The squat failure was unique: got 3/4 of the way up and just froze.  Couldn't complete the lockout.  Fought for quite a few seconds before it went back down.  That's happened in a few powerlifting meets with me.  Definitely a great chance to get stronger.  Same with racking the weights and getting back under the bar.

That belt squat workout was BRUTAL.  Staying away from lockout really goes far.  

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