Thursday, October 8, 2020

 Training Log: Entry 2410

Actually woke up when the Mrs alarm went off at 0550 this morning.  I WAS awake at 0415 when one of the dogs started spinning up, but I was able to doze off and on after that.  Significant win.  Changed up the morning routine a bit.  Had breakfast, then did the following circuit

5 rounds

10 chins

4 standing ab wheel

10 KB swings

Done in 5:28.  I REALLY like this approach to get all the work in for a relatively short amount of time.  I may add 1 more rep to the ab wheel and possibly 2 to the swings.  Chins were a different grip each time.

Hit 35 pull aparts and 25 press downs, took the dogs for a weighted vest walk, came back and did 30 GHRs.  Supposed to run with the Mrs later today, but also got some landscappers coming out that may require my attention, so we'll see.


5 mile run

Grippers (dropset)

6 forced closes with the 2.5

6 forced closes with the 2 

8 reps with the 1

11 with the trainer with a 20 second hold at the end

Notes: Running was the absolute last thing I wanted to do today, but it was good for me to get out and do it.  Seemed to help loosen the body up, and though we moved slow, I didn't feel winded at the time.  Race is coming up, and I'm just going to gut it out at this point.  It became a low training priority once all this health stuff cropped up, but I still appreciate the experience.

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