Sunday, October 25, 2020

 Training Log: Entry 2422


SUPERSETS (press-chin)

Barbell strict press




5x145 (begin 90 second rests)

9+3+3x165 (rest pause)


Chins (alternate between over and underhand grip each set)


GIANT SETS (press-raise-pull apart)

Let me describe the rest protocol here, because I thought it was cool.  Between sets 1 and 2, there was no rest.  Between 2 and 3, 30 seconds.  45 seconds between 3 and 4.  1 minute between 4 and 5.  1:15 between 5 and 6.  I really liked that: might use it again in the future.

Behind the neck press 95lbs


Kettle bell lateral raise 18s


Band pull aparts


Kroc rows 130 w/rest pause


7 hours sleep

Immediately upon waking

Tabata Burpees

50 pull aparts

30 band pushdowns

60 push ups (no lockout, focus on pecs/pump)

30 band good mornings w/2 light bands

40 straight arm pulldowns with light bands (lit up my lats)

5.5 minute plank

Notes: Schedule is still crazy, but making it work.  My lifting sessions are on the shorter side, so I'm making up where I can on the morning workouts.  Did that completely fasted.  Nice way to start the morning and get blood flowing.  I actually tried doing some dips on the press workout, and my pecs were sore enough to stop me, which is a sign I found something pretty magical on that bench workout.  I dug what I came up with for supplemental work.  Didn't bring my elbow sleeves to the workout, so that sucked.  My press is free falling pretty badly, but the supplemental work is improving, so I'm getting bigger and stronger, just not on the thing that matters as far as strongman goes.  Going to keep riding it out for now.  I know exactly how to fix it when I need to: more specificity.

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