Tuesday, June 6, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2790

AM WORKOUT (0430 natural wake up) FED

**TO VALHALLA** Week 2, Workout 2: “Viking Raid: Varangian Guard Ambushed At High Tide”

10 rounds of:

* 20 Viking rows w/25lbs on axle
* 30 KB swings w/24kg bell
* Keg carry (carry locked out overhead on way up, cross body carry on way down, alternate each round)
* 30 KB swings
* While wearing 10lb vest

Increase Viking rows reps by 5 every odd round

* Total time: 37:30, then 1 bonus round of 20 rows, 30 swings and 1 keg carry locked out overhead
* Then 300 squats and 300 push ups in 7:30


2+ mile walk in the sun with the dog


* Here’s the story behind the workout: we’re back to the Viking raid.  We’re wearing our armor (10lb vest) because we are a raiding party.  BUT, we planned poorly, and high tide rolled in.  This is why the keg has to be carried to the boat locked out overhead: gotta keep it above the water.  The tide has also made a quick escape impossible, and our victims have more fight in them than before.   So this means we row to the shore, swing our weapon 30 times, take the bounty, load it on the boat, swing our weapon at the reinforcements, and row it back home.  We get home and find that the province has come under invasion from marauders who sought to strike the homefront while we were away, so we fend them off, unload the bounty, get in some quick weapon training to stay sharp, and row out for the next raid.  And, of course, since we are Varangian, there are many Rus among us, which is why our weapon is the mighty kettlebell.  …oh my goodness, yes, that is SUCH a stretch and I absolutely love it. I’m having so much fun role-playing my training, and I am a jacked enough DnD nerd that if anyone wants to give me any crap about it I will stuff them in a locker.

* Increasing the row reps had me finishing out with 40 reps for rounds 9 and 10.  It's trying to create that whole "row to the shore, row back home" construct.

* Swings with a vest on is next level!  Since swings have you moving your torso through space, this adds a new element of challenge to things.  Doing 630 of the f—king things just makes it more ridiculous.  But I’m glad I could do so, as it’s contributed well to my goal of getting in the 15k swings.

* Really trying to focus on rep quality on said swings.  I wanna make the most of this.  I remember how transformative this was the first time, and I’m excited for that.  

* This workout itself was absolutely outstanding.  Total gasser, moving through all sorts of spaces and getting all sorts of quality work in.  And I hit the Dan John checklists of push (push ups) pull (Viking row), squat (squats) hinge (swings) loaded carry (keg).  

* I put in for a day off work on Thursday, so I’m going to pivot things around and make THAT the day I do the Festival of Orm Storolfsson, since I’ll have a bit more time to get things done that day.

And wanted to share dinner, one, because I’m doing that a lot these days, but also because it’s something pretty cool that I slapped together.

Tacos, on those egg wraps, with grassfed sour cream, grassfed Dubliner cheese, grassfed piedmontese steak tips, fajita style chicken (pre-cooked/frozen stuff leftover from a past life), and then I crumbled up a pork rind on top, to make it 3 different animals in each taco AND made it a crispy taco from the inside out. This was a lot of leftovers and ready made stuff, and is still carnivore/animal the whole way through, and something I whipped together after coming home late from work so I could still have time with the family and get in a 10+ minute walk outside in the sun.


  1. Another legendary workout by the Silver Dollar Kid! I'm gonna try out swings with a vest on as well.

    1. Totally an awesome way to change the variables up. Very much unintneded benefit.

  2. Love that you started out designing workouts just with "What can I do that will suck today?" and now it's "What can I do that will suck and also makes sense for my Viking campaign."

    1. Thanks man! I actually have a blogpost in the works detailing this approach to training.
