Thursday, June 8, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2792

AM WORKOUT (0440 natural wake up) FED

**TO VALHALLA** Week 2, Workout 4 **"Festival of Orm Stórolfsson Part 1: Feats of Endurance"**

38 rounds of

15 KB swings w/24kg bell
8 squats
8 push-ups

While wearing our armor (10lb vest)


2+ mile walk w/dog


The festival runs through the day and ends with a feast!  We start off the morning with a light breakfast and feats of endurance

"Why 38 rounds?"  Because we're still going to get 15k swings in 26 days, and 38 rounds of 15 got us to 570, with 5 more tacked on for 575, which puts us on pace.  8s for push ups and squats got us slightly over 300: our daily goal.


Folks, the festival continues to be fantastic. We feasted for lunch

3 air fried chicken thighs, skin on, seasoned only with duck fat, because MEAT IS DELICIOUS.  Served with a side of egg whites.

From there, we paid tribute to Orm in the most satisfactory of manner: a Viking Powerlifting Meet and Timed hold with the bar on our back


A Viking would not debase himself by lying down, so there is no benching here.  

Double bodyweight on squats, bodyweight on log, 3/4 bodyweight on stone.  I weighed in at 177 this morning

, so rounded it to 175 for 355 on the squat, 175 on the log and 135 on the stone.

2 reps per lift: one for me and one for Orm.

18 rounds, because 6 attempts per lift: once again, 1 meet for me, 1 meet for Orm.

When it's over, we load up the bar much like the ships mast that did in our hero and we hold for as long as we can.  That was 645lbs.  Nothing significant about the number: it was the heaviest I could load onto the bar in the fastest time.


This evening, I feast at some manner of Texas steakhouse, whereupon I have been informed the ribs of a swine await me alongside some manner of barely warmed bovine.  To Valhalla!



Honestly thought I was done logging, but the evening turned out pretty awesome. I got an 8oz thick cut NY Strip Steak at Texas Roadhouse. For my side, I asked for 2 house salads with no lettuce, tomato or crutons “just eggs and cheese”. Our server made me a SALAD out of shredded cheddar cheese and eggs. I brought home like a pound of shredded cheese, because eating it would have been absurd. I also got a sidekick of ribs without sauce, and they were delicious AND free because they took a while to come out. It was a fantastic meal, and then my kiddo pitched the idea of a 5 mile walk after dinner, which I just got back from. No finer way to celebrate the memory of Orm: feasting and festival.


  1. I was trying to think of what sort of movement would fit when you mentioned doing a Orm Stórolfsson workout. I figured some sort of yoke walk or squat hold would fit the bill. Awesome work.

    1. Thanks so much man! If I make this a regular thing, the yoke deifnitely needs to feature. Getting it out of my garage will be a total PITA, but worth it.
