Tuesday, June 13, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2977

AM WORKOUT (0420 wake up via alarm) FED

**”TO VALHALLA** Week 3, Workout 2: “Bailing out the Vasa in Deep Water” Part 2: Viking Thrusters and Swings

* 10x10x115 (on the axle) Viking Thrusters w/2 min rest between thrusters

* 50 KB swings between thrusters

* Rest time starts at end of Thrusters.  Swings done DURING rest.

* Finish the 10x10, transition to 5 minutes of Burpserkers (yes, I’m renaming burpee chins to be more Viking and I love it): 38 total


300 push ups and squats
3 AMRAP hanging leg raises
Curls w/20lb DBs until pumped


75 swings

2 mile walk


* Continuing on with my terrible idea of combining Vikings with Deep Water with the swing challenge.  This was an interesting combination where it seemed like it wasn’t challenging enough except I am clearly dying in the later rounds due to the stupid short rest times and full ROM movement of a thruster.   The second and third round of swings in both of these workouts are when I feel the most like puking.  Finishing the workout in 28 minutes put me in a mood to throw in those Burpserkers, which, also, @ChongLordUno , I’m failry certain you should don the title of “Burpserker” in general and also consider picking a burpee variant and giving it that title.

* Kept it 2 minutes the whole time for rest times, which was a fantastic added challenge.  The overhead work is always a balancing act when it comes to weight.

* My legs are absolutely trashed from yesterday, as are my glutes, which is quite a sensation.  My bodyweight is up to 181.0, which I imagine a big part of that is simply inflammation from how totally swollen my entire lower body has become.

* It was good to get some direct ab and arm training in.  I recognize that, left to my own devices these things DON’T get done, and it’s what Jamie’s program was good for to me.  I’ll need to get back into something like that.  

* Tang Soo Do may be happening tonight.  Schedules are a little screwy with travel.

* In my quest for continual process improvement, I believe I’ve found a way to address my compulsive gum chewing (like a smoker, I’m almost a pack a day dude) and underhydration by switching to ice chips.  The gum chewing is a holdover from my days of always EATING something, and it seems I’m just used to my mouth always being in motion (yes, make your jokes now).  Meanwhile, because I was always chewing gum, I wasn’t drinking fluids.  So now I’m chomping on a bunch of ice chips at work, which is getting me some water, satiating the need to chew something, and some argue raising my metabolic rate ever so slightly.  Aside from being a little weird on the social side, I feel like this is a win.

* I am digging my switch from plastic egg cookers to glass jars.  This is such a small thing and a big thing at the same time.  Today I’ll try whole eggs vs just whites.

* I have been including this bone broth WITH many of my egg white creations, along with mixing it with my coffee and a few other spots, and plan to make it the base of my carnivore chili when I come around to it.  Also used it for the chuck roast that I cut up this week for sandwich meat and it was amazing.  I love all the things I’m discovering through this process.  They also have a chicken and veggie variant.

* My bearfoot shoes are supposed to come in tomorrow, and a Piedmontese order soon after.  I’m thinking I’m gonna have a summer of “Rampage” meals where it’s family steak night/BBQ and I eat some real, authentic goddamn delicious Nebraska sweet corn, sweet potatoes, local raw honey and sourdough bread.  I’m already seeing the benefits from my carb up on Sunday, there’s no denying that I need these weekly carbs, but I also really just don’t need to eat junk, and I can FEEL the difference when I load up on junk vs not.  I wrote on my past 2 previous Rampage meal post workouts how the workout was “cleansing” and I was “sweating Crisco”, and could observe how foul my body odor was, whereas doing the Deep Water squats off of homemade sourdough and local honey just had me training hard and feeling fine.  And I have plenty of Finibars for dessert, which are delicious.

* 5266 swings so far: halfway to 10k and a third of the way to 15.


Pretty proud of this

I made a casserole out of leftovers using the microwave.

4 egg whites mixed with a splash of beef broth, 12 chicken meatballs cut in half, and a shaving of grassfed Dubliner cheese.  About 4 minutes in the microwave total.  Just a little soupy on the bottom, which I have a few ways I could address it, but otherwise the slices came out clean.  Pasta-less casserole.  I topped with some grassfed sour cream because that stuff is delicious.  "Cooked" it in some glassware storage: stupidly simple.

Tang Soo Do was a decent workout.  More evil in store for tomorrow.

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