Saturday, June 3, 2023

Training Log: Entry 2787

Ok, let's make some sense of all that madness

A typical "hair on fire" weekend.  Slept until 0740 with the Mrs. immediately rolled out of bed and knocked out 100 bodyweight squats and 225 push ups.  I had actually gotten 100 bodyweight squats done in the middle of the night during a bathroom break, which I counted toward my daily total, because I'm nuts, so I was at 200 squats and 225 push ups for the day.  I owed 150 swings, 100 squats, and 75 push ups.

Had breakfast

Was amazing.  Carnivore weekends continue.  That's 3 whole eggs in that omelet alongside an egg white, 2 strips real bacon, and the usual suspects otherwise.  Omelet stuffed with deer and bison alongside grassfed dairy.

Went garage sale shopping with the kiddo, we walked, and got in 3 miles that way.  Actually found a book on the Dukan Diet I picked up for $1.  I remember Jamie Lewis writing about it so I figured why not.  

Chores, shopping, lunch at BBQ place. 

Pork ribs, my kid's pulled chicken (I trade them my cornbread for their chicken...SUCKER!) and a DOUBLE serving of pulled pork.  They originally came out of the kitchen with JUST a double order of pulled pork, when I ordered a single serving of pork and the ribs.  I asked where my ribs where, they confessed to their sins, brought them to me and let me keep the extra pork.  But, to quote famed philosopher Robert Hill

Ate it all.  Love living this way.

Got home, unloaded groceries, worked on dinner prep and lunch prep for the week (details to follow) and continued the Viking themed workouts with 

**"To Valhalla"** Week 1, Workout 5: **"Jörmungandr Siege Engine"**

10 rounds:
* INhumane burpee (15 swings, 10 goblet squats and 5 push ups) w/24kg bell
* Carry 100lb keg between burpee

After that, 10 rounds of
* Keg one motion press into 5 push ups

Wanted a 20 minute workout and got exactly that.  

Then dinner.  New recipe: proud of it.  Took 2lbs Piedmontese grassfed beef tips, air fried them with a little spray duck fat, one of the pounds I mixed with Kevin's Teriyaki Sauce

The other I just left as air fried beef, for my kiddo that won't touch sauces...and for me to keep carnivore.  But I did allow myself a little bit of the sauced stuff.

I took a slice of that egg white cake I made and turned it into "riced egg whites" something I've been doing a lot of recently.

It's also the base of my "oatmeal" these days.  So now I had an Asian beef rice bowl

Dinner was a win across the whole family!

As for work lunches: tried my hand at smoking chicken drummies and wings.  Used a new seasoning I picked up yesterday

It's not carnivore, but Paleo enough.  The low FODMAP won me over.  I think I may use it in my carnivore chili, when that comes around (it's pretty much ready to go, but I have so much other food to work through first).  

Ready on the smoker

Midway through and looking good

Fully smoked and...

Ready for work lunches.  I'll throw some egg whites or eggs in there to round it out later in the week.  Only 4 lunches, because I'm going to a going away on Monday...actually held at the same place that served "The Stellanator".  I'll have something lighter this time.

I also smoked some beef liver.  No photos, nothing awesome there, but now I have my vitamins.

Oh yeah, also, I use cereal keepers for my pellets, which I think is pretty smart

We're going out for a brunch buffet tomorrow, so the Rampage is all set and ready.  What a day!


  1. Is Jormungandr the name of Viking troops? I only know that as the mythological serpent that fights/kills Thor.

    1. I only know of one Jormungandr

    2. Are the Jormungandr warriors you're referencing here your own original concept? "The Jörmungandr are inhuman, so they don't perform humane burpees: they perform INhumane burpees. That's why we do 5 extra goblet squats. They carry their battering ram to the gate to crash it down."

    3. I goofed on the title dude: it happens when you're exhausted, haha.

    4. Ah, just thought you were referencing some warriors I've never heard of. You taught me about the Berserker at Stamford Bridge and I've appreciated any Norse lore you touch upon ever since.

    5. Glad you dug it dude. This was supposed to be jötunn
