Wednesday, June 14, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2978

AM WORKOUT (0420 natural wake up): FED

**”TO VALHALLA** Week 3, Workout 3 “Bailing Out The Vasa When It Hits Deep Water” Part 3: Keg Cleans and Swings

10x10x155lb Keg clean

* 2 min rest between sets
* 50KB swings w/24kg bell between sets
* Rest periods starts at end of clean: swing on your rest times


12 rounds of combinations of daily work and 300 squats and 120 push ups.   Got in 5xAMRAP leg raises, 2x25 band pull aparts, 2 sets of curls, 2 sets of lateral raises.


2 mile walk


* Gotta save the loot from the Deep Water!

* This was absolutely brutal.  The posterior chain gets no rest at all.  

* Went non-berserker because the powder coat on that keg will tear the hell out of my skin even THROUGH the shirt.  In turn, I was soaked in sweat at the end.  Just fantastically challenging and exactly what I needed.  My legs are still nuked from Monday.  

* Still need to get in 75 more swings to get to 5841 for the day, and the remaining push ups as well.  Really glad I could get in that extra work though.  It’s good to return to some ab training.


Med appointment confirmed that this way of living suits me

Also, got my new shoes.  I like them.

And I got in my 75 swings and 180 push ups.  TSD was canx, but oh well.


  1. I'm absolutely loving the roleplaying and you bringing Deep Water into the mix of all this.

  2. Not sure why it keeps setting me as anonymous by default, by the way.

    1. I was curious who kept commenting! Haha. Really appreciate the feedback dude!
