Tuesday, June 27, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2988

AM WORKOUT (0415 wake up via dog) FASTED

**PLAGUE OF STRENGTH’S “FAMINE”: “RAGNAROK IS HERE”** Week 1, Day 5: Rows and Squats

GIANT SET (row-squat-row-abs) 60 second rest between rounds.

Trap bar row

SSB wide hands squat to straps (beltless)

Seated band row
2x20 w/triple dropset

Hanging leg raise

20 rounds EMOM of 5 burpee chins w/10lb vest

100 calf-raises w/SSB


2 mile walk outside


* Saw this this morning

* So with that bodyweight weigh in and all the hacking you can hear during the workout, I’m beginning to understand why my strength isn’t QUITE what it used to be.  Honestly, that’s just absolutely nuts.  I haven’t seen that number since high school.  And you saw what I ate on Sunday.  I’m eating like a goddamn king and my weight is just flying down.  Mass Made Simple is sounding more and more appealing.

* I REALLY liked that squat variant.  I’ve seen Brian Alsruhe do it quite a few times, and it seemed absolutely perfect for something different to force me out of my comfort zone.  Going beltless even moreso.  I could really feel my quads “turn on” coming out of the hole.  I definitely see potential in this.

* Violated the program and instead of doing 20 minutes of straight chins I went with the burpee chins, and then threw on the vest to make it seem ok.  I also went with strict technique as much as I could.  That was surprisingly awesome.  5 reps per round hit just right.  And I’m willing to count this toward conditioning and daily reqs.

* Right foot is experiencing a small amount of discomfort in it.  Possibly a product of the bearfoot shoes.

* My abs have been super sore since that bodyweight circuit.  I imagine throwing the ab wheel in was part of it.  Good to have that back.


Got in a 3ish mile walk with the kiddo and the remainder of my bodyweight work.   My piedmontese order came in, which is awesome, because I am planning on turning the 4th into an ultimate feast and celebration of my country's Independence.  And the 2nd of July is always significant to me, because it was that day when I was 14 that I decided to turn my life around physically.  23 years later and I'm still at it.

Tonight was pretty baller for dinner.  I made Paleo Sloppy Joes, and they were very close to pure carnivore as well.

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