Wednesday, June 7, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2791

AM WORKOUT (0430 natural wake up, rough night of sleep, mind racing, too excited about training) FED

**TO VALHALLA** Week 2, Workout 3 “Carried Away By Valkyries: Grace, Fran and Cindy”

“Valkyrie Grace”

* 30 floor to overheads w/Viking handle
* 9x135 on the axle to start, and then...

* Took off a 45 and got in the remaining 21 reps

“Valkyrie Fran”

* 21-15-9 Viking thruster and strict chins

“Valkyrie Cindy”

20 minutes AMRAP of

* 5 chins-10 push ups-15 squats-20 KB swings w/24kg bell 

15 rounds completed


8 rounds of

* 27 swings
* 15 push ups
* 8 squats

And then 65 swings, 20 squats and 30 push ups, to get all my daily totals and then some.  Totaled out 581 swings, and 1786 for 3 days so far.


2 mile walk in the sun


* Not really sure what happened with Grace.  It was moving along real well, and alluva sudden I just couldn’t get that clean any more.  The transition from floor to rack can be a little tricky, but I was running into some weird resistance.  The handle ripped up my chest a little bit there, but it looks worse than it is.  Had to swallow my pride.  I proved myself undeserving of Grace, and, in turn, had to do battle with Fran and Cindy to earn my place in Valhalla.

* In general, I like these variations of the WODs, as the Viking handle is a lot more sparing of tissue compared to traditional barbell work.  However, I abandoned my plan of getting in some cosmetic work, and it honestly needs happening.  I can see my arms getting a little smaller from the lack of direct stimulus.   I’m taking on a lot with this swing challenge, but that’s part of just pivoting with my schedule.  I’ll be traveling over the long Juneteenth weekend, and it’s better having no plan in turn vs a disrupted plan.  Chaos IS the plan.

* Cindy was a good way to sneak in my own daily requirements on top of some training.  Cleaned up what was left after the official close of the WODs.  Nice to get in some chins: been neglecting that.

Was able to get in some lawn mowing, Tang Soo Do, and piedmontese grassfed hot dogs on egg white wraps with grassfed cheese/sour cream and pork rinds for dinner

Solid afternoon/evening


  1. Leanness and muscle definition has you looking like a buffer Bruce Lee. Chest wound only adds to the effect. I will assume you calmly tasted your own blood "Enter the Dragon" style before continuing the workout.

    1. I appreciate that sentiment. There was actually no flesh opening: it's all just bruising. Pretty gnarly. Although give me Bolo Yeung over Bruce any day! Haha.
