Wednesday, July 5, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2996

AM WORKOUT (0420 natural wake up) FASTED

**MESS (Mass-Easy, Strength-Simple)** Day 1, Workout 1

Axle clean and strict press away


Weighted chin


Deficit double overhand axle deadlift




Standing ab wheel


Reverse hyper


COMPLEX A (row-clean-front squat-press-squat-good morning)




High bar Squats


1.5 mile run


* Day 1 of the mash-up.  I was too heavy on just about everything, which is expected from being a meathead.  I have to be at peace with how light of a bodyweight I am these days, and the impact that’s going to have on maximal strength.  It’s why this is going to be a good program for me: developed strength at THIS size, and also try to IMPROVE this size.  I specifically picked a very difficult deadlift variant so I could get out of my head with weights, although thinking about it I might even throw some chains into the mix next go round to really get my head out.  It will also make loading simple.  I really want to streamline this program and make it smooth, fast, simple and easy to execute, so I can leave the weights on the bar/platform between workouts and be able to just roll into the garage and nail a workout should the need arise.

* Dan says multiple times in his book that, if he had to do it all over again, he’d only do 3x3 with the program, so I am going with that for now.  If the need arises, there are other ways to go about Easy Strength, but right now I’m appreciating keeping it simple.

* Sticking with the underhand grip on chins because I need to really keep stressing those biceps.  Lesson I learned from tearing it.  

* I’ve also decided to use a squat style I’ve literally never done before for the Mass Made Simple portion of this.  I feel like that’s an excellent challenge and way to really make this program interesting.  I could feel it too!  30 reps of 95 was a challenge.   Getting my bodyweight for 50 by the end of the program will be a fantastic goal.

* My schedule is going to be tricky today, so I got in a run vs my dog walking so I could cover some ground.  I’m starting my new (and hopefully final before retirement) job today, and learning the hours and expectations.  Exciting times ahead.

* That Rampage meal I had may very well serve to be THE ideal model of what works for me, because my body has responded the best to that approach compared to any of the others.  I woke up this morning GRAINY.  My wife’s exact words were “You could be a statue”.  I’ve never seen that before.  And I actually had an appetite when I went to bed, and was ready to eat after my workout (and still had my wake and shake in the middle of the night).  I wasn’t bloated to the point of discomfort, I wasn’t sweating Crisco and grease during the workout or feeling like I needed a cleanse, but I’m ALSO not flat from a lack of carbs and my energy feels strong.  There was no junk in that meal, as even dessert was something from home made with quality ingredients.  I ate meat to the point of bursting and had carbs from a lot of sources, but NOT to a point of absurd excess.   I’ll definitely need to remember this and model after it.  It’ll be a great working way forward.  I’m enjoying this nutritional discovery so much.  The tinkering is the best part.

* On the above, meal prep after that huge BBQ is pretty awesome. My lunch today is a smoked chicken thigh and 5 deviled eggs.  Dinner will be leftover beef ribs.  This is living.

* Tang Soo Do later today.  Got the push ups and squats in while dinner cooked.

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