Saturday, July 8, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2999

Slept until 0630, dog was going nuts, brought it downstairs, fed it, got in a Tabata squat and push up workout while it ate and immediately went on 2 mile walk with dog after that.

Came home, Valkyrie made amazing breakfast, signed up for 2 strongman competitions.


30 SEP: Strength Games V at Johnston Iowa

14 Oct: QRF Strongman Invitational

Currently 11lbs below the lowest weight class and weak as a kitten: rock on.  Already developed a way to make Easy Strength and MMS work for this.  Boxing is most likely going to get hung up again while I shift focus toward events stuff, but this will be a small pivot.  Will flesh it out when I have more time.

Had a lot of pork ribs and chopped brisket for lunch, came home, got in this workout


EMOM, 20 rounds of 1 135lb stone to shoulder and 5 burpee chins, then went on a 2 mile walk with my kid

Already figuring out where to get in the events work.

Valkyrie made Crack Chicken for dinner.  Made it with some real high quality ingrediants.  Goat's milk cream cheese, grassfed New Zealand Cheddar, "Smart chicken" chicken breast (local company, uses air chiller technology, kinda unique), Trader Joe's brand ranch seasoning and Trader Joe's no sugar bacon.  It came out amazing.  Super anabolic.  Told my wife and kiddo they have a job to fatten me up like cattle for this competition.

On that note: brunch tomorrow.  Carnivore rather than Rampage.  Will Rampage with steak dinner tomorrow.


  1. Hey MythicalStrength, would you rather compete on a bad strength day but still win first at a Strongman competition, or do a Strongman competition where you blow yourself away with your own performance but don't even get on the podium?

    1. If I can win on a bad day, that means I'm really f**king awesome. If I lose on my BEST day, that means I'm pretty terrible. This seems like a no-brainer to me, haha.
