Monday, July 10, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3001

AM WORKOUT (0355 natural wake up, snooze until 0410) FASTED

**MESS: Mass-Easy, Strength-Simple** Workout 4/MMS Workout 2


Axle continental and strict press away/weighted chin (underhand) superset

(3) Axle deficit double overhand deadlift

Standing ab wheel

Reverse hyper


COMPLEX A (row-clean-front squat-strict press-squat-good morning)

3x3x125 (1 min rest between complexes)

Buffalo Bar Squat
2x30x102lbs (1 min rest between sets)

1.25 mile walk w/40lb vest

Conan Curls (band curls w/band around wrists)


* This day works so well.  As I was walking post workout, I was just upset with myself that it took me THIS long to figure it all out, but at least I did and now I’ve got this tool in my toolbox as well.

* Coming into this workout post-Rampage meant I was “feeling” strong, so the weights are up.  My midsection was more swollen, which made my belt fit better and gave me a wider base.  On that note, my shorts were literally falling off of me yesterday, which is indicative of just how much waist I’ve lost, which sounds really cool if I was a bodybuilder, but as a strongman it sucks because that’s where so much strength and stability lives.  I’ll have to focus on thickening up my midsection.  Kettlebells, traditionally, do that for me, and Dan John speaks of how back squats have done that for him, so here’s hoping MMS has the answers there.

* Dan says that the military press is the limiter on the complexes, so I’m doing my best to keep that press strict and let it happen organically.  As much as I think push pressing makes more “sense”, I’ll stick to the plan as much as I can.  But in that regard, Dan also says he likes a strict 1 min rest vs EMOM work, and I used that for the complexes, which helped make them suck quite a bit before doing the same thing with the squats.  

* I woke up 10 minutes earlier and had 15 extra minutes to train with.  There’s something interesting there.  In turn, I got in a good amount of weighted vest walking to count toward my 2 miles a day.

* Those squats are amazingly fantastic, and really putting the “holy sh*t” in me thinking that I need to somehow have my bodyweight on the bar for 50 when 102 for 30 is a challenge.  I love having that in the back of my head.  In a little bit, I’ll draft up how this will all fit into strongman prep.

* I’ve already noticed my arms shrinking back again, which is why those Conan curls came in at the end.  It doesn’t take much direct work to get them to blow up, and it doesn’t take much NOT doing it for them to shrink down again.

For the PM, got in a 2 mile walk outside with my kid and 300 squats and push ups.


  1. Great work Sir! I'm buying some EliteFTS bands for Conan Curls. Need to grow these biceps.

    1. Outstanding to hear dude! Hope it works well for you.
