Thursday, July 13, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3004

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm) FASTED

**MESS (Mass-Easy, Strength-Simple)** Day 7: Mass Made Simple Day 3


Axle continental and strict press away/weighted chin superset

(3) Axle double overhand deficit deadlift

Standing ab wheel

Reverse hyper


COMPLEX A (row-clean-front squat-press-squat-good morning
2x5 (only 3 reps of press on the second round) 1 min strict rests

30x122 (1 min strict rests)

1 mile weighted vest walk w/40lb vest

Conan Curls

10 full ROM lateral raises w/20lb DBs


* Had to upload without sound.  Copyright issue.

* Feeling strong again.  Upped the weight on press and deadlift.  Was running into grip issues with the deadlift, so on the final set I learned the lesson my body was teaching: pull FASTER so you can outrun your grip.  That’s a valuable lesson for me to learn on deadlifts in general.  I’m super slow twitch in general, and too reliant on grinding.  Moving quickly will have a good payoff.

* Being more intentional on the continental as the weights get heavier.  Not letting it accidentally happen.  

* Could up the weight on chins.  They’re getting easier.  The program’s logic is making sense.

* Next time on the complexes, if I run into a press issue, I’ll push press to get through the barrier.  The 1 minute rest was a player there, but I’d rather keep that and not strict press as much vs rest longer so I can strict press more.  I’m getting enough of it on the ES stuff.

* The squats were absolutely awful,  but used a similar lesson as I did with the deads on the second set and just sped through it as much as I could.

* Good to get in a walk at the end.  40lb vest feels like nothing, especially compared to the 80lbs I used yesterday.

* Forgot to log yesterday that I did some Conan Curls, and I got in a little more this morning.  I need to get in just a little bit of detail work.  That said, my physique is really shinning through, which one wouldn’t expect on ES, but something I realize is that rep QUALITY is really high when you’re doing so little volume per day.  And with enough time under the bar, you can make a lot out of so few reps.  Once again: the logic of the program shines through.

* I was 167.8 this morning.  Weight is going in the wrong direction while strength is going up.  That is 10lbs lighter than what I THOUGHT was the leanest and lightest I’d ever be back in 2020.   Again: this is high school bodyweight.  This is absolutely bonkers.  Means I get to eat even MORE, which is awesome when what I’m eating is so amazing.


  1. Keeping in theme with the Velocity Diet and shakes, have you considered using a weightgainer again for your carb-allowed meals? I recently rediscovered them but this time with the carb sources coming from sweet potatoes and oats instead of maltodextrin, and drinking a big breakfast before work has been a gamechanger.

    1. I appreciate the suggestion man. I try to use the carb up meals as an opportunity to enjoy my time with my family around a big communal meal, so a weight gainer works against that. It shifts to focus to the food. Right now, I'm enjoying eating and don't want to turn it mechanical.
