Monday, July 31, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3020

AM WORKOUT (0400 natural wake up) FASTED

**MESS (Mass-Easy/Strength Simple)** Workout 19: Mass Made Simple Workout 10

*Easy Strength Work*

Axle continental and press away/weighted chin superset

(3) Axle double overhand deficit deadlift

Standing ab wheel

Reverse hyper

*Mass Made Simple Work*

COMPLEX A (row-clean-front squat-press-squat-good morning)
5x2x150 (all completed) 1 min rest between complexes

Buffalo bar Squats (to 50)
23+7+6+7+7 (12 deep breaths between attempts)

2 mile run through the thunderstorm/heavy downpour


* Easy Strength continues to teach me lessons as I run it.  Biggest one I keep re-learning: treat EASY weight like it’s easy.  When I actually try to move the weight quickly, it moves quickly and smooth.  Really tried to drill that with the press and deadlift today, and even included it in the chins.

* The reverse hyper didn’t tax me nearly as much as it did early in the program.  Good to see that adaptation.  Really wanting to focus on solid execution with it.

* Those lessons from Easy Strength carried into MMS.   I really tried to focus on moving the weight quickly/explosively on the row to prime my body for the clean, and that seemed to work.  I’m willing to accept some slop on the row if it means the clean makes it to the rack.  The press was still a little slow, just to keep my shoulders in the sockets, but I got through all 5 rounds of the complex with a decent enough weight.

* The “to 50” set proved to be a solid challenge, and now I have a real goal for the end of the program.  I managed 23 reps in the first round, then used the Zeno Squat rest pause approach to carry me through the end.  This was absolutely brutal and exhausting.  I’m excited for the opportunity to grow from this.

* You may be able to hear the thunderstorm in the video, but it was intense this morning, and running through it was absolutely primal.  I knew with the weather I wouldn’t get another chance to get in some outdoor mileage today, so I took the opportunity while it presented.

* From the nutrition/digestion from, I had some “tracer rounds” in my meal last night that presented themselves fully intact this morning, which shows how fast my system is moving AND how it’s processing this foreign junk.  Which is to say: it won’t.

* Oh yeah, pretty proud of these Metabolic Drive waffles


  1. "Biggest one I keep re-learning: treat EASY weight like it’s easy."

    Were you still moving easy weights super slow before that?

    1. I have uploaded every workout so far. You can see for yourself :)

    2. Hm, I might be incorrect about something but I guess I do see a speed improvement on these deadlifts from 7/31 compared to the earlier 7/6.
