Monday, July 24, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3013

AM WORKOUT (0405 wake up via alarm) FASTED

**MESS (Mass-Easy/Strength-Simple)** Day 14: Mass Made Simple Workout 7


Axle continental and press away/weighted chin superset



(3) Axle double overhand deficit deadlift


Standing ab wheel


Reverse hyper


*Mass Made Simple*

COMPLEX A (row-clean-front squat-press-squat-good morning) 70 second rests


5x135 (4 presses and a push press)

5x140 (failed the clean, fell on my butt, zercher the front squat, rack bar, finish out presses, squats and GMs)

Buffalo Bar Squats (plate change rests, then 50 seconds for topset)






1 mile run in the rain


1.5 mile walk w/dog


* Came in feeling pretty solid for a Monday.  Really focused on moving fast on the continental and press today, and staying strong on the deads.  That MAY have robbed me later in the complexes.  Failing that clean caught me off guard, and though the zercher was a fantastic audible, falling on my butt and scraping the hell out of my shin wasn’t.  

* Went 1 weight class up on the squat prescription for today.  I let the set of 192 determine how I’d play it.  It’s worth appreciating I’m doing all of this beltless, and I intend to make that the way forward for the duration of the program.  High bar, stupid deep, beltless, light knee sleeves: doing everything I can to make it unique and challenging at this new bodyweight of mine.

* Playing this week without the intentional carb-up on the weekend.  Thursday we’ll be celebrating, and the plan is a cheesecake factory cheesecake slice (I get the lo-licious, which is still plenty of carbs for me) alongside whatever we do for dinner, so I’m sure I’ll get some carbs in there.  Tomorrow, Mrs and I are taking in a comedy show in the evening and hitting up a great Mexican spot beforehand.  I’m going to go exotic with my meats and go for some beef tongue and beefcheek, possibly even tripe.  Great opportunity to experiment.

* Incredible thunderstorms in the morning.  You might be able to hear it in the video.  Opened up the garage door after the workout and just HAD to get out in it, so put on my cheap boots and went for a run.  Storms cleared after breakfast, so got in a walk with the dog.  Might get in another evening walk with the family.  I really am just digging getting outside and walking.  I’m stupid tan these days, and I imagine it’s what is keeping me lean.  I’m deep into the Feast phase, eating my face off, and just getting more and more lean.  I honestly think I was undereating for a while, or, specifically, not eating enough of the right stuff.  I’m really in a state where, the more meat I eat, the leaner I am.  Last night, I had full intentions of going for a leaner dinner after all the fat I put away at Texas De Brazil (I made it a point to ask the servers for the fattiest cuts whenever they came by) and instead let my hunger dictate 2 servings of pork ribs, and I’m still waking up looking like an anatomy chart.  I’ve heard some folks describe this process as though you have to heal first before you start seeing the real benefits of the nutritional change, and I feel like that’s what is happening: the more meat I eat, the more I heal from the damage I’ve done, the better I thrive.  

* I’m taking 3 days off of work this week, so my Wed is going to be a packed in day of chores, food prep, training, etc, so that I can spend my Thurs through Sun with family.  Perfect place for 20 minute easy strength workouts and walking.  Which means my next MMS day will be Wed.  Schedule deviations, but that’s exactly why I picked this approach.

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