Monday, February 29, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2061

Read an excellent passage in Nietzsche's "The Antichrist" while I was waiting for my appointment. Had to share it.

"the strongest, find their happiness where others would find their destruction: in the labyrinth, in hardness against themselves and others, in experiments. Their joy is self-conquest: asceticism becomes in them nature, need, and instinct. Difficult tasks are a privilege to them; to play with burdens that crush others, a recreation."

Pretty on point at the time.


1 legged SSB box squat 265lbs+chains

(7) SSB Box Squat

Notes: Changing things around to start including my other leg. Just hitting one big top set for the single leg, then hammering the partial ROM box squat. Going to ROM progress before I start adding any weight. I figure it solves every other problem, might as well use it here. Pretty intense, happy to be hitting this again.

Blast strap fallout hold

Axle deadlifts 60lbs

Reverse hyper 30lbs

Neck harness 75lbs
25+12+12 (rest pause)


Had my 15 week post op visit with the surgeon today. Said I was progressing along very well, no signs of concern. Got cleared to perform some straight forward light jogging, but otherwise stick with the protocol. I think I'm going to include squats with just the bar back into my programming, as I've technically been cleared to perform them at PT at this point, but still going to take things slow and easy.

Got miffed at the nurse/tech checking me in, who upon hearing that I was recovering so well exclaimed "Oh, to be young and healthy". Because it certainly has nothing to do with the fact that I'm busting my ass trying to do everything in my power to recover as fast and as strong as possible; it must just be youth. And genetics. No one wants to believe that hard work gets results.

Woke up at 191.4 this morning. Going to start getting more aggressive with my food intake.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2060

Seated axle press
15x155 (rest pause: 10-3-2)

Notes: Had to rack the set of 195 at the 4th rep. Being ill has sapped my strength endurance a touch, and I was getting really light headed. After this cycle, I'm going back 2-3 (I forget if it's 5 forward 2 back or 5 forward 3 back) and focusing more on rep PRs. Been pleased with the building the monolith template, and now I got a new way forward.

Dips (forward lean)

Notes: Honestly shocked I got it knocked out so quick with how terrible I was feeling.

Axle curls

Band pushdowns

Band pull aparts

T-bar rows


Notes: Sets in between sets of everything else, and then a big dropset at the end. I REALLY liked how this turned out. Added 5lbs each time, and toward the end my back was really screaming. Gonna keep this approach in mind.

General notes: Woke up at 192.0. Pretty light post cheat meal, will most likely look to push calories for a bit.

Had some more vivid dreams last night. I imagine taking cold and sinus before bed has something to do with it. Dreamed I was a giant, but that I was fighting something colossal in stature that dwarfed even me. I couldn't strike any vulnerable points, since I was too low to the ground, so I baited it into picking me up to eat me, and then slammed a giant stone into it's throat multiple times. Probably a couple of ways to interpret that one.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2059


Prowler (high handles)

Notes: Been dry, so friction was high. Front ski kept skipping, and I've got a slight cold that made breathing tricky. So even though this was less distance than last week, it was a much more challenging workout. I am hoping I get the clear to start really loading the knee soon, because it would be nice to actually put some weight on the prowler and throw in some more challenges. Still, this has been awesome for my recovery in general.

General notes: Woke up at 190.8. Appetite has been diminished. Today is the cheat meal day and I'm not really feeling anything. That said, current way forward plan is to up my post workout carbs (from 1 poptart to 2) and see how that goes. That's broken me out of weight gain slumps so far.


Rolling thunder


Notes: Tried for 210 but couldn't get it off the ground. The set of 185 was solid though, so I think I'm going to try to progress back up with higher reps and see if that breaks the plateau.

Figure I'll talk about some dreams I've had recently. Last night I dreamed I was the Juggernaut of Marvel Comics fame, but it wasn't really very dramatic aside from that. I've most likely just committed to being the character for so long that it's become infectious. However, more interesting was the night before.

I was in a dimly lit house, and for some reason I had this understanding that, if the lights went out, a vengeful ghost would invade the house and come after me. Sure enough, the lights went out, the ghost burst through some sort of saloon style/Japanese sliding doors and came after me.

I figured this was the time it was supposed to be a nightmare, but instead of being afraid, I grabbed the ghost by the face and just started screaming all manner of obscenities at it. Just a barrage of profanity "F**K YOU F**K YOU F**K YOU", my thumbs in it's mouth, feeling it's teeth chewing on them (I'm aware of the incorporeal nature of ghosts, but I guess my subconscious needs a refresher). That's when I woke up.

At first I just laughed it off, but if I want to engage in some revisionist dream interpretation, I'd like to think that the ghost was the representation of the fear of re-injury. I know it's looming, and as soon as I let my guard down it's going to come, but I'm too pissed off to let it get me.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2058

Seated Zercher Axle Good Mornings off Pins (SZAGMOP for short, pronounced phonetically)

Notes: The stars aligned tonight. Everything was feeling good and I decided to really see what I could do. It's pretty amazing to see how little my knee comes into play on this; on the second rep you can actually see my feet leave the floor while I finish the movement. Will have to see if I blew out all my capillaries later.

Deadlifts 60lbs

Notes: Felt my lower back on the right side cramping up pretty good. Gotta focus on technique.

Blast strap fallouts

Reverse hyper 25lbs

Notes: Right hamstring wasn't liking this, so I played it smart.

General notes: Woke up at 191.6. Been having real bad GI issues; realized I took a naproxen the other day. There is a clear correlation between the two. I need to quit taking them, might even just throw them out of the house to keep from accidentally doing it. They work great to take away inflammation, but it's not worth this.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2057



All dropsets





Notes: Still not really getting out the results I had before, but I imagine how hard/frequently I have been hammering the forearms plays a role. This is the issue I faced with grippers in the fast: I'm able to peak up to a pretty decent showing real quick, but if I want to really push far into heavy territory I have to invest far more time and energy than I really want to. I feel at this point that trying to seriously pursue the 3 would take away from my other training. Still, I plan to keep doing these until something more interesting comes along, and most likely focus more energy on the rolling thunder.

General notes: Woke up at 190.6. Have to attempt to not freak out and overeat to compensate, as it's most likely just a small fluctuation. Had some GI issues yesterday, but seems to be sorted out.


Axle strict press

superset in a circuit w/

D-ring lat pulldowns 90

Notes: Went non-stop the entire time, bouncing from one movement to the next and back. Really felt it that way, and the pulldowns were just the right intensity to match.

Axle curls

Notes: Just hit my goal of matching Derek Poundstone's 300. However, his was done on the Ironmind axle, and I rested in the up position versus the down, so now I have more goals to shoot for. Forearms are obliterated between this and the grippers.

Band pushdown

Band pull aparts

D-ring lat pulldowns 90
Training Log: Entry 2056

One legged SSB box squats DROPSET

Notes: First time in a while squatting in the morning. Been getting lazy and putting my training off until the evening for a bit on this, just because I honestly can't get too excited about squatting on just one leg. Brutal workout, made it all the way through. I'll be upping the weight again, but I am hoping that my future will soon allow for me to squat on both legs. I know the weight will be light, but it will be something.

Axle deadlifts 60lbs

Notes: Since the squat workout is so high rep, I think I'm going to keep this a set of 100 each week and use my good morning workout as the time to push for rep PRs. Might even be stupid and very slowly increase the weight on this each session while keeping the reps constant.

Blast strap fallout hold

Neck harness 65lbs
50-20-15 (rest pause)

Reverse hyper 25lbs

General notes: Woke up at 191.6. Think I am finally solidly in the 190s again. Knee is all around kinda achy and swollen, but the graft area feels fine. I imagine most of the issues I'm dealing with these days are more related to the meniscus and fracture in the patella versus the ACL. Shoulders kinda bugging me too, not sure what's going on there.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2055


Axle bench

Notes: The warm-ups felt heavy, and then that set of 11x275 came out of nowhere.  I was planning on 8, so it was a pleasant surprise.  It also meant I pretty much blew my wad and had nothing left for that set of 215, but I'd rather have a stronger showing with the heavier weight.  In ROM related news, I can easily get my left foot in the benching position that allows for leg drive.  I'm still not willing to use much, but it's nice to get back in the groove.

Dips (upright)

3 way shoulder circuit 20lbs

NG chins (various widths)

Notes: Sets betweeen sets, as usual. Got what felt like a touch of tendinitis in the left elbow at the start of the workout, but was able to move around it as needed with these.

PM Workout

On top of my physical therapy, I did 1 set of 50 walking lunges (50 per leg, so 100 total). Left patella felt a little achy at the end, but graft and knee tendinitis was fine.

General notes: Woke up at 191.8.  Ate a little dirtier for lunch (more Taco Bell). Weight and bodyfat seem to be moving the way I want, so I'm getting a little looser with the diet.  Getting a little stir crazy trainingwise, might start doing more 2 a days.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2054


Prowler (high handles)

Notes: Had a little rain, friction coefficient was in my favor, so I went for some distance. This broke down to 14 trips of 180'. It's amazing the difference it makes pushing for 180' non-stop vs 50', as I've technically pushed this further but stopping so often to turn around had something of a restorative benefit that I wasn't getting here. Originally was going to push it 12 trips and then realized how excited I was for it to be over on the 12th length, which in turn got me disgusted with myself for being so happy to be done with training so I threw in an extra 2 trips. I am most likely psychotic.

General notes: Woke up at 192.0, which is crazy, because I went to bed at 197.5. Not sure how I lost so much weight overnight; usually I see more like a 3lb drop. Plan to get in a light workout tonight, something like the rolling thunder.

Tried to capture a photo of my upper body 2 days post capillary apocalypse. Lighting in my house is still pretty bad, and some of the damage has faded, but if you look hard you can still see just how far down the shoulder it goes. Knowing it spreads across the chest and onto the other shoulder makes it more crazy, haha.


Rolling thunder

2 picks with left, 1 with right


Notes: For some reason, my left hand always has an easier time with the rolling thunder, while my right is better with the grippers. Still, really pleased with my performance on this. Broke the 200lb mark without really having any idea what the hell I'm doing. Might actually have a future with this movement.

Oh yes, and cheat meal was pretty light this week.  3 item Panda Express: Double orange and teriyaki chicken, mixed veggies, and then a McFlurry for dessert.  Was planning on getting a Shamrock shake, but they weren't serving them yet. Might allow myself to eat a little dirtier this weekend.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2053






Notes: Forearms still not 100%, but wanted to get something in. Not bad for a "bad day workout".

General notes: Woke up at 192.4 this morning. Things seem to be going well.

I wanted to document that, after yesterday's axle good morning workout, I went to take a shower, looked at myself in the mirror, and discovered that I had blown out all the capillaries from my left deltoid all the way across my chest to my right. It looks like I have full upper body freckles, or that I'm wearing a red blotchy sweater vest. I would always blow out a good amount after a heavy deadlift session, but this is the craziest I've ever seen it, and I did this without a belt.

I just kept laughing looking at myself in the mirror. My wife looked at me with some sort of combination of disgust, pride and lust all rolled into one.

So I guess this was an even more intense workout than I realized.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2052

Seated zercher axle good mornings off pins

Notes: The evil came out on this one. Put on Clutch's "Juggernaut", pulled on the hood, and growled my way through the rep of 365.  Actually ended up hitting the back of the power rack on the concentric, bounced off and locked out the rep.  This was probably getting a little risky with the knee, but things are really moving along strong.

Axle deadlifts 60lbs

Notes: Technique was much more on point.  Moved like a machine for the first 125 reps.  Not banging into my shins or quads like I did last time.

Blast strap fallouts

Neck harness side to sides

Reverse hyper 20lbs

Notes: Had to take a quick break to reset on rep 81.  Going to keep the weight the same and make sure I can get it all the way through next time.

General notes: Woke up at 191.2.  Feeling fried, but strong.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2051

Seated axle press
21x135 (rest pause: 15-3-3)

Notes: Pulled something in my shoulder closing the rear overhead door on my minivan this morning.  Been playing around with a band all day.  Lots of crunching and grinding working through the ROM, but didn't seem to affect anything.  Weight was flying on the final set.

DB rows 50lbs

Notes: Did these in between sets of the presses.  These weren't Kroc rows; very controlled, focused on the contraction, squeeze at the top.  It's light weight, but the first time I've been able to do DB rows in a long time, and hitting so many reps in such a controlled manner fried my lats.


Notes: Losing a few reps, but I imagine weight gain and shoulder fatigue the issue.

Axle curls

Notes: This is getting so stupid.  Forearms are getting blitzed. Guess 300 is a possibility.  Maybe I'll reward myself with that Ironmind axle if I make it.

D-ring lat pulldowns90

Notes: These are really rocking when I pull them out to the side.  Pleased I discovered that technique.

General notes: Woke up at 191.4.  Already mentioned the shoulder issue. Been insatiably hungry today, just letting my appetite dictate my intake at this point.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2050

One legged safety squat bar box squats DROPSET

Notes: I'm pretty much only limiting myself out of safety's sake at this point.  I've got more juice in the right leg for that first set, but there is a good chance that, out of fatigue, I shift the weight to the left leg.  Still, the dropset is frying it, and I could feel my leg locking up on the later sets, which is a sign that the intensity is just right.

Left leg walking lunges

Notes: Last week it was a lunge in place.  Still playing it safe with fatigue, but incredibly pleased to be training the left leg directly in any fashion.

Axle deadlifts 60lbs

Blast strap fallout holds

Neck harness 65lbs

Notes: Rest pausing these in a single set now that most of my training has moved in that direction.  Also, found out my Ironmind weight pin weighs 5lbs, so I factored that in to the weight.

Reverse hyper 15lbs

General notes: Woke up at 189.8 this morning.  Went to the beach this morning, chased after the kid for a solid 1.5 hours through sand/carried to and from the car through sand.  Exhausting, and a good test of the knee stability.  Went in the water for a little bit, but it was pulling my knee in some weird directions, so I called that a day.  Hit up Taco Bell for lunch and managed to restrain myself toward more of a controlled splurge versus a full on cheat meal.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2049

Axle strict press 125lbs

Notes: Starting to get into the ridiculous parts of the Building the Monolith template, and I'm liking it. I was still supersetting between this and t-bar rows with minimal rest, but this was kicking my ass this morning. Some humidity to deal with, but my cheat meal was coming back to haunt me a little too (Jack in the Box again). Still, really happy with all this pressing volume, especially since my impingement isn't coming back to haunt me.

Axle curls

Notes: After the rolling thunder yesterday, this was miserable on my forearms, but I got through.

Band pushdowns

Band pull aparts

T-bar rows 90lbs
A million sets of 10

Notes: Sets between sets again. I definitely could've jacked up the weight or the reps, but I was using zero body english on this and really focusing on moving the weight purely with the back. In general, I have always been terrible with bi-lateral rows. My stupid long arms make it difficult to maintain a decent torso angle, and I end up using very low weight, but this still did a great job of hammering my back.

General notes: Woke up at 192.4 this morning. Been seeing some big weight spikes, but still keeping my abs visible. Having some GI issues here and there, and imagine I've just got some dead weight in the colon. My appetite is actually pretty low these days, and I'm burnt out on high fat foods. There may also be something to say about my ability to finally train the left leg some: I may just be putting on muscle again quickly. I have noticed the leg is starting to match the right again in terms of size. Either way, not going to get too upset. Being in the low 180s for so long was weird.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2048

AM Workout

Prowler (high handles)

Notes: Since the friction has changed on my path, I'm just going for sets of super long runs. It's pounding my legs pretty decent. I'll need to find a straight stretch so I can use my harness sometime soon.

Woke up at 191.4. Big jump, but I think there is some bloat there. Gotta decide on a cheat meal today, not really craving anything.


Rolling thunder

3 picks with left hand/4 with right

20 pick ups

Notes: The pick-ups with 190 were sketchy, but there was definitely daylight between the floor and the plates when it was all said and done, and I made sure not to pin the rolling thunder against my body. I originally tried for 205 before, and it just wasn't happening, but it's a new goal. Really enjoy this implement.

The set of 135 was most likely limited by the knee in reality. Didn't want to push to the point of fatigue and end up damaging my ligament.

On that topic, something of a compliment at PT, found out that the reason for the disagreement between the two physical therapists was due to the fact that my leg did not atrophy as much as they anticipated during recovery. They've noted that I am able to get away with a lot more than most at this stage in my recovery as my musculature is able to shoulder the load for my ACL. This of course is also a dangerous proposition, as it means that I can put myself in pretty dangerous situations, for if my muscles were to fail and the load shifted to my ACL, it would most likely tear again.

So, victory for fighting off atrophy as well as I have, but have to continue to be vigilant and ride that razors edge.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2047

Seated chain suspended buffalo bar good mornings
1x370 (PR by default)
5x320  (1 rep PR)

Notes: Great day for seated good mornings. Stars were aligned. Lower back felt bulletproof, and things moved smooth. The 370 rep felt like old times; saw stars, got dizzy, almost collapsed, took a big breath and went for another.  Crashed into the chains, but was able to get another rep on the set of 320 for another PR in the workout.

Axle deadlifts 60lbs

Notes: First deadlift workout since surgery.  My PT today reversed a prior decision and said KB swings were too ballistic, but DLs were ok.  My eyes lit up like Christmas. Still have to go light, but there are always more reps to be had.  Fun new factor to deal with: with one quad now significantly larger than the other, the bar pinwheels outward at the top of the rep. Technique was still pretty solid with so little practice.

Blast strap fallouts

Neck harness 45lbs

Reverse hyper 10lbs

General notes: Woke up at 188.8. As noted above, my PT techs are kinda fighting with each other on my rehab, so I get schizophrenic advice.  Still, the general consensus is that I'm improving, just how far I can push myself comes into question.

Used my new Why Our Way straps for the axle deads. They work great, well worth it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2046

Axle bench press

Notes: Milestone; first bench workout since the surgery where I was able to get both heels on the floor under my hips.  Prior to this, my left foot was always straight out.  Still not using much leg drive, just to be safe, but it's a huge mobility PR.  Warm-ups were feeling fast today.

Dips (upright)

Notes: Was feeling beat down around this point in the workout.  Got a bit of a heat wave, and it was making me feel pretty nauseous.

3 way shoulder raise 20lbs

NG chins (various grips)

General notes: Woke up at 189.6.  Workout really took a lot out of me today. Seems to happen a lot on this one, and it's most likely a result of not taking it seriously since it's "just bench".

Monday, February 8, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2045



All dropsets





Notes: Really liked this workout. Forearms are swollen something fierce. Still not making a lot of progress on the 2.5 with the right hand (had to do an assisted rep for rep 5), but I finally closed it with the left hand with zero assists. Very pleased with that.

General notes: Woke up at 189.6. Feel like I've really turned a corner on my rehab. Knee feels stable, I was able to accidentally sprint a few steps yesterday, stairs aren't a problem, ROM is good, and I'm starting to feel strong again. I'm going to start bugging my PT techs about certain movements like GHRs and whatever else I might be able to get away with.


Single legged SSB Box Squat Dropset

Notes: Still moving along well with this movement. I can feel the left leg taking over a little, but I'm still keeping control on it as much as I can.

Left leg standing lunge

Notes: I'm training my left leg again. I had more in me, but gotta play this smart. Technically not authorized to do this yet, but PT says that, as long as it doesn't hurt, I can do it, so there you go.

KB swing 45lbs

superset in a circuit w/

Neck harness 60lbs

Notes: Took the KB swings light, but focused on the glute contraction. Great to be hitting some real moves again.

Blast strap fallout hold

Notes: Much better than the past few sessions. No squirming, kept my hands forward the whole time. Tons of pain in the abs.

Reverse hyper 5lbs

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2044

Seated axle press
19x145 (rest pause)

Notes: Small right side neck tweak, but otherwise a solid pressing day.


Notes: My ROM is a joke on these, but it's blowing up my chest something fierce. Triceps still getting some love too.

Axle curls

Band pull aparts

D-ring lat pulldowns 110

Notes: Originally planned to do half a workout of pulldowns and half rows, but really figured out something solid on these that I wanted to keep trying.  Instead of pulling straight down, I pull the handles out to the side as well as down. Very significant stimulus that way.

General notes: Woke up at 189.8. No significant weight gain from cheat meal.  In PT news, got cleared to start performing kettlebell swings with a deep squat and some pretty advanced step ups. Might actually be able to train the healing leg soon.  Performed an accidentally lunge the other night when I was getting up from off my good knee, and didn't have any issues.  Minus some slight pain in the outer edge of the kneecap, things are going very well.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2043



Notes: Thinking the rain we had recently changed the friction of the surface I was pushing on, as every step was a battle and the front of the prowler kept snagging. Eventually one of the bolts on the skis snapped off, so I called it a day. Sent elitefts an e-mail asking if they'd send me a replacement ski, otherwise I'll just order the 3 pack. This is the second time a bolt on a piece of conditioning equipment has snapped on me. I'm only 190lbs, there is no way I'm putting a bunch of wear and tear on these things.

Might be a sign it was time to take it easy, because I'm still pretty fried from that short of a distance.

Woke up at 188.8 this morning.


Prowler workout part 2


Notes: Just wanted to redeem my morning workout. Did low handles up and high handles down. Real ass-kicker, the terrain has definitely changed. On the plus side, my gorilla tape repair job held up well on the prowler, and it'll be a good temp fix until I get some resolution. Also, I needed to burn off this cheat meal.

Cheat meal: Jack in the Box, 2 Monster Tacos, Small Curl Fries, Jack's Spicy Chicken Sandwich and Ultimate Cheeseburger (minus 1 full set of buns between the two sandwiches).

What's amazing is how not sick and ready for more food I was after that meal. JITB was a big part of my childhood, and I was just tripping down memory lane the whole time.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2042







Notes: No real progress on the 2.5, but the follow up sets are moving along nicely. Probably have to actually take things seriously from here on out if I really want to get that 3, but it's not the biggest priority I have in the world.

General notes: Woke up at 189.8 this morning. Seem to be holding my weight well. Going to hit my good morning workout this evening. Will try to take more video.


Seated Chain Suspended Buffalo Bar Good Mornings

Notes: This wasn't as much max effort as I was hoping for, but I had greatly increased the ROM of the movement and it was really hammering my lower back. I went for a 5th rep twice and was stapled both times.  I absolutely could've broken the weight off the chains and gotten the rep, but it would've been through force of will and using only the lower back. It would've been a dumb move.  That said, the disappointment still made me go berserk, as the rest of my workout will reflect.

Buffalo bar good mornings 75lbs

Notes: Was getting an awesome hamstring stretch here.  I think getting rid of the tendinitis has allowed me to really get the legs straight.

Blast strap fallouts

Notes: 4x20 sounded boring.

Neck harness side to side 45lbs
91 reps

Reverse hyper (bodyweight)

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2041

Axle strict press

Notes: 10 sets of 5. Honestly wasn't terrible, but definitely not something I could run in a circuit like I had been doing before. Grip is really started to widen out, which is a good thing. Think I got a touch of tendinitis in the left elbow, so may rest up until Saturday for my next pressing workout.  We'll see how things go.

Axle curls

Notes: Think hitting the rolling thunder yesterday had a slight effect today, as my forearms just weren't having it. Still a great pump.

Miniband pushdowns

Band pull aparts

Cable rows 90lbs

Notes: Scaling the weight back a touch just to spare the right knee from bracing on the equipment. This movement is nice, but I'm burning out on it.  May bring the heavy dumbbells back in.

General notes: Woke up at 189.8. Knee is painfree within a normal ROM. I can still find movements that hurt it, but I have to go pretty far out of my way for that.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Training Log: Entry 2040


1 legged safety squat bar box squats

Notes: Challenging top set. Right leg felt like it was going to pop. Really feeling like the left leg is ready to play on these, hopefully I get the ok from the Doc soon.

SSB good mornings 95

superset in a circuit w/

Neck harness 60lbs

Notes: Focusing on really keeping the knees straight on the good mornings so I can hit the hamstrings.

Blast strap fallout hold

Notes: Still a little too squirmy for my liking.  May dial the time back a touch and focus on staying out at full extension.

Reverse hyper (bodyweight)

General notes: Woke up at 189.8 this morning. Plan to hit the rolling thunder after work today to get in a little more grip work, plus I just like the implement. Left knee pain is gone, but been dealing with some calf pain the past few days.  I figure it's from the prowler, but it's limiting ROM a touch. Something to keep my eye on.


Rolling thunder 180lbs
2 reps per hand

Notes: Be nice not to dick around with the set-up so much.  Noticed on the first rep with the left hand I was kinda dragging the implement up my body, which seemed to be defeating the spirit of the exercise, so I focused on distancing myself from it for the next 2 reps.  Felt a slight pop in the recovering knee, but think it was just some scar tissue breaking down. No pain in the knee, ROM still good, all systems seem go.  Still, most likely a sign to ease off the throttle a touch.