Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Training Log: Entry 2437


GIANT SETS (squat-jump-reverse hyper)

SSB front squat
6x320 (25lb PR for program)

Box jump

Reverse hyper 320

Bodyweight lunge in place

Notes: 3:45 between giant sets.  Felt strong coming in today.  Been noticing just how much better my knee feels these days.  Never really aware of the injury, whereas before, when I was hammering it with the buffalo bar every week, it was always inflamed.  Strength keeps going up, so I may have found the right approach to be painfree and strong.  Those reverse hypers are really doing good, and I notice my deadlift is getting back to crazy levels again.  Not a coincidence, as it's exactly what I was doing before.  I was being too lazy to weigh down the posts with dumbbbells and screwing myself out of a real awesome exercise.  Thankfully, once I move everything, it'll be much easier. 

Topset front squat was tough, but not totally impossible.  Most likely had 5-10lbs more in me.

Woke up at 194.4.  Pulling from the floor on Saturday, so going to be a little loose on the calories.  ALSO doing this after hitting up a birthday party my kid got invited to, which is exactly how I tweaked my back last time from standing for so long, so I need to watch that.


  1. Glad the knee is better, that's always a good feeling when a nagging ache goes away. Random question: I happened to reread your about me on the sidebar and saw you listed a 545x5 squat as a training PR. Don't know how I either missed or forgot about that but that's crazy. Do you have this on camera? Didn't find it on YouTube.

    1. That's an OLD PR, haha. Pre-dates my transition to strongman, and done with wraps. Nothing on video.
