Sunday, January 19, 2020

Training Log: Entry 2596


Keg clean
1x225 w/press at top
1x240 w/press at top (5lb PR)
1x225 w/press at top

Poundstone curls

Notes: Hell yeah.  In full disclosure, I went for 240 once beforehand and the keg rolled forward before the clean, so I set it down, took a few minutes to recompose myself, and then just musclef**ked it up to my chest.  I learn that it's something of a "skill" I develop in training for a comp, where I can just fight the implement up into place when it really shouldn't be there.  Put a helluva strain on my right bicep, but the confidence boost is worth it, as the comp distance matters less and less the closer I get to comp weight.  Once I hit 250 for a clean and press, I'll focus on loading the weight lower in the keg to get a better sense of the balance.

I'm pretty much blacking out at the top of each rep, and it's a goal to make sure I get the repped locked out before that happens.  Hopefully I don't another keg in competition, haha.

I'm strict pressing, because that seems like the best bad decision to make.  I'm sure if I tried to push press, I'd lose it.

Poundstone curls fit in well here.  I might keep them at this place in my training.

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