Tuesday, February 23, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2347



100 six count burpees

6:08 (11 second PR)

Notes: Got to 65 without stopping. The secret is: it sucks and I hate it. Like running. That said, I do think there’s a proficiency element to it, as I’m doing a TON of burpees these days. As I get faster, they’re definitely sloppier, and I’m basically slamming my stomach into the floor and rebounding as my “push up”, but also I don’t give a f**k about form on burpees: just so long as they suck.

Caught a full body glimpse of myself in the mirror getting ready for work, and I’m happy to report my posterior chain has returned. No joke: at the end of my fat loss, my glutes has effectively vanished and hamstrings were pretty sad. 30 GHRs a day have paid off for sure, along with more food, and I imagine the squat protocol I was following up until recently got me big quick in a hurry.

In that regard, feeling strong again. Despite the dogs, I’m sleeping well WHEN I sleep, appetite is coming back, and I’m excited about things again. Of course, the inevitable question is “does this mean my LDL has creeped up again”, but I’m confident enough in the lifestyle changes I’ve made to imagine I’ve found the middle ground on this. Case in point: I brought a seafood medley salad to work today, whereas back in the day it woulda been beef or gyro meat mixed with cauliflower tater tots (more of those “good bad decisions” I was making).



Axle Grace


Notes: Last thing I wanted to do, but it went really well. Only 1 second above my previous PR, and given the circumstances, that’s awesome. I had to shovel some heavy wet snow for about 30-45 minutes before this, and I’m all sleep borked from my 12 hour night shift. Got the daily work in too.

Nutritionally, I’m happy with what happened today. I had a pot roast for a big midday meal, which is a semi-tradition we’re starting to implement (the big meal, not necessarily a pot roast) on a weekend day. It was piedmontese beef, not grassfed, but still high quality. It had more saturated fats than what I usually eat, so I cut out my eggs, grassfed beef and butter today to compensate. With that, my psyche was at peace, and I made sure to still get in my monounsaturated fats from my macadamia nuts and avocado. It’s still that weird blend of eating for health and eating for performance, which is what is appealing to me about Mountain Dog. The dieter in me would think “you got enough fats: you don’t need to eat the avocado and nuts”, but I remember that I’m eating them for the specific fats: not just for calories from fat. And then I also have to keep my eyes on the fact that putting on weight is the goal. I’m pleased with the decisions I’m making.

The pot roast itself turned out AMAZING. Piedmonstese is weird because it’s so lean yet ALSO so tender. Breaks all the rules. Even my wife, who isn’t a big pot roast fan, liked it, and my kid, who is VERY much a meat snob, enjoyed it when we mixed it in some mac n cheese, which I think is just awesome. Lotta places around here do “brisket mac n cheese”, which is a great invention.

Training wise, I’m excited about BBB Beefcake, and being excited about something is something I haven’t had in a while, so that’s awesome. Still liking the idea of axle on 5s week, power bar on 3s and deadlift bar on 1s for the deadlift, buffalo bar for 5s and 3s with SSB for 1s on the squat, and axle and log playing around on the press. Also considering cleaning each set during the press, and possibly even cleaning each rep depending on how easy the weeks are. Still going to aim for the 20 minute cap though.



Fran+ (95lb thrusters, strict chins)



9 (5:11)

5 (6:12)

5 round circuit of

10 dips

8 BW hypers

5 95lb thrusters

4 standing ab wheel

25 pushdowns

50 pull aparts

30 GHRs

Notes: Didn’t want to spent too much time away from the Mrs during my 12 hours downtime, so went quick on this one. Threw the thrusters into the circuit as a way to keep the heart rate up, as I went straight from Fran into the circuit. This is shaping up well enough as a deload week. Going to do some DB pressing tomorrow, the front squat burpee thing the next day, and then most likely jump into BBB Beefcake after that.

Piedmontese hot dogs for dinner tonight. Had mine on keto friendly buns, with sugar free ketchup and some mustard, just to make it as “traditional” as possible. They’re a great product. Cooked them up on my smokeless indoor grill. I’m honestly just having fun playing around with food and cooking at this point: it’s like a whole new element to the equation for me to dive into. Got the thumbs up from the Mrs and the Kiddo on the hot dogs, so we’ll feature them more in the future.

Also got my stainless steel shaker bottle and “berserker” t-shirt from a viking based supplement company. Will take photos at some point.

Finished Comprehensive Performance Nutrition 1 and 2 by Justin Harris over the past 2 days. Great reads. The second one was a little too sciency and talked a lot about drugs, which wasn’t too valuable for me, but it ALSO had some of the best bits of just basic wisdom in it too. Highly recommend kindle reads.

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