Monday, August 2, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2498


AM WORKOUT (0550 wake up via alarm, 0700 workout)

Texas deadlift bar deadlift 405lbs
1x11 (minor tweak of left lower lat/hip on the eccentric of the 11th rep_)

Box jumps (deadlift mats+45lb bumper)
5x10 w/60 seconds between sets

Reverse hyper

Standing ab wheel

Notes: Before I go much further, I am obligated to inform you that the state of California has determined I contain too much excellence and prolonged exposure could result in testosterone poisoning.  Took 5 min between the first 7 sets of deads, then 8 minutes before the last one.  Plan was 7x12, but feeling that slight tweak on the 6th set I knew the smarter move was to cut it a rep short, rest and see how I felt come the next set.  I've had this tweak before: laterally I'm screwed, but linearly I'm still good, so I slowed the reps touch a touch and got the rest of it done.  Had to take a dead stop break on the last two sets, but got the mission accomplished.  And leading up to that, I was absolutely crushing sets of 12, whereas 2 weeks ago my 1 set of 12 was murder and I was drowning in the sets of 11.  It's just amazing how transformative this process is.

Box jumps keep getting better: I need to be smart about keeping them in.

Cut the ab wheel reps short because it was triggering pain.  Might use them to stretch out later.

With that, the hardest workout is done.  Just need to ride it out from here.  If I have to cut it short because of the tweak, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it (not that I have any sleep to lose), because this was what it was all building to.


Buffalo bar squat 300lbs-chins-dips
15 time: 5:20

Notes: I can feel the hip on the walkout, but squatting is just fine, and clearly not slowed down.  Still applying ice and moving around a bunch, but I know time is the ultimate healer.  But I'm also going to apply quesadillas, due to their high concentration of amiño acids

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