Sunday, August 8, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2504

AM WORKOUT (0610 wake up via dog) FASTED

100 KB swings w/40kg bell

Notes: Just needed to get the body moving.  Lots of aches.  Two new issues: jammed my ring finger on my left side real bad on the stone yesterday and it's swollen up good.  Hard to take off my wedding ring.  Fun fact: it's a titanium band, so if I ever dork up that finger real bad, I gotta cut off the finger rather than the ring.  Other issue is I actually slept REAL well last night, so that I slept so hard my neck is stiff.  Been a while since I pulled off that trick.

Realized an issue with my "clean every rep day" idea: my 0300 training times on early shifts are going to render that very much not viable.  Way too much noise that early in the morning.  Thinking I may make that a fixed implement log press day and do viper every rep instead.  Also thinking that day is going to be the day I do axle benching as my follow up, meaning double supplemental work, but I won't tell Jim if you don't.  Logic being that, since it's a day I'm doing leg drive based stuff, the bench can be my strict pressing for the day. Thinking 5x5 SSL for that.

As far as training maxes go, I'm actually thinking of picking up right where I left off on Building the Monolith.  Since I'm wanting to take weights for max reps on the FSL sets, it gives me room to start getting into those 15-20 rep ranges.

I "cheated" and effectively started the new diet yesterday, rather than the traditional Monday.  I've just been excited to NOT walk around feeling like the Michelin Man all the time.  Stupidly easy swaps at the moment: stopped eating my dark chocolate, cut the butter out of breakfast, 3/4 of an avocado a day vs a full one, smaller spreads on nut butters, etc.  I was nickel and diming my way UP, and now I can do the same down.


20 rounds of bear hug keg carries in 21 minutes.

In between rounds
Round 1: 10 chins
Round 2: 10 dips
Round 3: 8 reverse hypers
Round 4: 4 standing ab wheels

90 second rest

3 laps with the keg bear hug/1 length done cross hold

Notes: Just wanted to get in the carries and daily work all in one.  This sucked, but not as bad as when I throw in the KBs, so good to know.  Neck still ached quite a bit, so was good to take things a little easy.  Victory lap at the end was a good burnout.  

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