Monday, October 18, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2573

AM WORKOUT (0315 natural wake up)

SUPERSETS (press-chins)

Axle clean and strict press away



3x176 (blacked out on the 3rd rep, dropped weight behind me, convulsed for what felt like 30 seconds)

3x196 (rest pause needed, continental’d weight and wasted a lot of energy)

Weighted chins (various grips) 37.5lbs



SUPERSETS press-rows (20 minutes total, rest times ranging from 90 seconds to 2:25)

Axle clean and strict press (clean first 2 reps)

5x10x151 (had to re-clean final rep of final 2 sets)

Axle rows 151


50 band pull aparts

MEGA DROPSET (rest pause between sets) DB Incline Bench w/95lbs

(4) 1x6

(3) 1x4

(2) 1x4

(1) 1x4

(Flat) 1x5

(Flat w/Catapult) 1x6

Transition immediately to 50 dips

Transition immediately to 25 pushdowns

Then 20 standing ab wheels

40 reverse hypers

Neck curls

Neck harness

Poundstone Curls



Tabata KB clusters w/45lb bells

Notes: The blacking out sucked, but it helped confirm something I should have been acknowledging all this time: my blood pressure has gotten out of hand again. I’ve been seeing and ignoring the warning signs. I was lazy managing it: salting all my food still, but not keeping up with the sports drink, and actually my new job has me salting my food less too. The positive is that this may very well explain my issues with top end strength, as I saw that happening last time too. Good time to be doing 3s pro. Going to tackle this head on.

I missed the deadline to sign up for the strengthlifting meet, and I’m honestly not heart broken about that at all. I was reading the “morning of” info, and it just sounded like such a hassle. I’m wondering if I’m done competing at this point. Juice just doesn’t seem worth the squeeze. I got no issue competing at the competition, but f**k me the weigh ins, rules meetings, 4 hours of warming up, time between events, etc etc, are just such a damn grind. I’m not officially out of it, but at this point I jsut wanna train the way I wanna train.

On THAT note, had another idea for my “diet break” training of using more of a conjugate approach for my press work, maybe something ala Brian Alsruhe. It may fly. 2 movements in general I’d like to have back in my training are behind the neck press and weighted dips. When I do them, nothing really gets better…but maybe I don’t care about that any more.

Broke my grippers out of hibernation today and did 4x3 with the Captains of Crush #2s. Just easing back in.


Keg Grace

Time: 3:29 (51 second PR holy cow)

Evening walk with dog

Notes: I was in a hurry for the keg Grace, which seemed to pay off as I blitzed right through it. I may not be seeing the top end strength where I'd like it, but reps and conditioning are on point.

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