Wednesday, October 20, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2575

AM WORKOUT (0252 natural wake up)

Tower of Babel + Sodom and Gomorrah

235 front squats w/5 six count burpees between rounds

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (Time: 27:33, 24 second PR)

12x165 front squats w/12 burpees

12x115 front squats w/12 burpees

Total time: 35:19

Strip plates and transition to

42 rounds: 20 seconds on/10 seconds off of daily work

Odd minute: daily work exercise (rotating between chins, ab wheel, dips and reverse hyper)

Even minute: 100lb log viper presses

50 pull aparts

25 pushdowns

25 reverse hyper leg curls

Notes: I’ve been avoiding the Tower, which meant it needed to happen.  REALLY wanted to push to 9 on the topset, and the set of 7 was actually really smooth, but 8 just cut the legs out from under me. Walked away with a solid PR for time, and then the fire and brimstone sets were weight PRs, so that’s cool.

From there, I still wanted to get in vipers on this day, because it’s just been a good day for those, and throwing them into the daily work seemed like an awful idea, so there we go. I really hate when I do stuff like this, because it’s like Goku when he experienced 100x gravity for the first time: now that I’ve done it, I HAVE to keep doing it. This REALLY sucked, and that made it pretty effective.

Working an early and got Tang Soo Do tonight. Got in a 3 mile run with the Mrs yesterday. Those STILL suck after squats. We’re learning new one steps today for TSD, which is usually a decent workout. Instructor is STILL on my case about my front foot being too heavy. Got too much Jack Dempsey in me.

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