Saturday, October 20, 2018

Training Log: Entry 2402



Buffalo Bar Squats 270

Axle touch and go deadlifts 256

Bodyweight lunges

Notes: 1:55 between sets for the first 7 sets, 2:00 for the next 2 with time spent feeling sorry for myself at the bar, and 4:00 for the final set.  Still marked progress compared to where I started, and I've come through on the other end something different...keeping in mind this is ONLY the beginner program.  This is like Building the Monolith on bathsalts.  I legit had an out of body experience on set 9, where I kept telling myself to get under the bar and I noticed that my body wasn't actually doing it.  I had to actually will myself to set up under the bar.  It was surreal to say the least.  Once it was all done, I spent 10 minute laying down on the floor and then another 10 minutes very slowly setting up the deadlifts, which goes to show that, no matter what, the program will get it's 40 minutes of rest out of you.

Ate a moderate sized lunch beforehand, and in turn spent much of the workout trying to keep it in.  The book says to not eat before training, and it's for a good reason.  Had a very decent exertion headache after the 10th set of squats as well, and by the time lunges rolled around, I just had to gut it out.

No weigh in this morning, due to work  shenanigans, but been doing my best to eat big.

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