Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Training Log: Entry 2511


SUPERSETS (squat-stone-hyper)

Buffalo Bar Squats

Stone of steel lap and extension (55lbs + spacers)

Reverse hyper 440

Notes: 3:45 between sets, 4:45 between penultimate and final set.  Yesterday, I wore my Rehband soft belt through the whole workout and it really went a long way in mitigating lower back fatigue, so I tried it as much as I could with this workout, basically wearing it between sets and then under one of my Inzer belts on the sets of 320.  Definitely helpful for those purposes, but makes depth a bit tougher to get to, so I went without it for the set of 400.  That was pretty awesome to hit under these conditions.  Whenever I can manage 405 for 8, I know I'm good for 500 for a single, and being able to get it under this significant amount of fatigue just means there's even more there if I need it.

The stone is getting to the point where I'm gonna need to switch to doubles.  The weight isn't so much the issue as is the sweat.  Hard to get a grip, which is putting a lot of stress on my biceps.  Compounding that with the sandbag and the curls, they're feeling beat up.  Gotta watch for that.  That said, being able to lap the stone each time on this gives me some confidence.

Lower back pump was intense on this one.  Had to lay down before the last 2 sets. 

Was able to wring out my shirt post workout.  This one REALLY sucked.

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