Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Training Log: Entry 2516


GIANT SETS (Squat-stone-hyper)

SSB front squat

Stone of steel lap and extensions (stone loaded w/60lbs and spacers)
6 sets of singles and doubles

Reverse hyper 440

Notes: 3:45 between sets.  Finally hit my breaking point on the stone.  Part of it was trying to use a technique that put less strain on the biceps, but for the most part it's gotten to the point where it's heavy and slippery enough to be a challenge.  Goal was doubles each round, but did not meet it.  Will keep the weight the same until I can.  Realized as of today I had been loading the SSB pretty stupidly, and that if I start with a 35 per side I get a more conventional "135-225-315" vs "155-245-325".  Think it made for a better loading pattern.  Went with last week's approach of keeping the soft belt on for as long as I could, to include the 4th and 6th set.  Still went with just the basic Inzer belt for the 5th set.  It's a little harder to hit depth with the soft belt on, but it does make my core feel stronger, so trade offs.

Dealing with an interesting issue of nipple chafe from the run yesterday.  Felt it during the stones.  Life's fun that way.

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