Friday, July 30, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2497


Fasted 100kb swings w/40kg KB

AM WORKOUT (0505 wake up via dog, 0650 workout)

25 chins

Axle bench press 256

Close grip axle bench 226

(3) Incline DB bench 100s
1x7+2 rest pause+burn out set of dip

1xF+burnout set of push ups

Push ups
1xF+slingshot set+catapult set

SUPERSET (no rest) hyper-abs

Reverse hyper 230

Standing ab wheel

Notes: 2:20 between sets of benching, 2:00 between sets of bodyweight stuff.  Was feeling a little off today, and had some issues on the second set of close grip where I set up weird and my plates kept bouncing off the plates on the plate holders.  Gotta get in more nutrition as I close out the program.

Came up with my strategy for the deadlift day coming up: I'm going to open up with 7x12, and then use the 8th set for my set of 16, rather than opening big and trying to close.  Will be judicious with rest periods, and absolutely willing to use dead stops as needed.  

Gonna get in some keg carries later.  


Keg carries
10 rounds w/25lb plate in keg
6 rounds empty power keg
After odd rounds: 6 alternating KB snatches w/45lb bell
After even rounds: 10 KB swings w/40kg bell

Notes: No time.  My phone overheated and shut off the timer.  Testament to how warm it was out there.  This was BRUTAL.  Definitely pushed into the red.  Remembered some things that worked before: lapping the keg after the initial pick to get a better grip, getting it sunk in deep into my torso, carrying it up high on my body, etc.  It's what all the practice is good for: remembering these things.

I really think this COVID training has unlocked something new in me.  It's been great to bring back this strongman stuff, but it's not "bringing back"; it's bringing FORWARD.  Whereas before I'd do 4-6 rounds of carries and call it good, I've found a way to combine it with more of the WOD-y stuff I've been doing, get more explosive stuff into it, bring Deep Water things to the table, etc etc.  It's all forming into it's own entity.  It's been a pretty awesome process to watch unfold.

More future programming spitballing: I'm thinking with 2 pressing days a week I can have one day where the emphasis is on clean once and press away and the other is clean each rep.   More opportunities for variety that way too.  Assistance is going to be primarily DC-eseque stuff.  Rest pausing and intensity modifiers. 

Thursday, July 29, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2496


AM WORKOUT (0525 wake up via alarm, 0700 workout)

Chins (various grips) 2 minute rest

Clean pulls 135 2 min rest

Log cleans 150 4:45 rest (10 band pull aparts between sets)

Axle shrugs against light bands

BW reverse hypers 

Kroc rows 115

Notes: Holy cow this eliminated me.  Definitely running into the red.  Timing out about perfect.  Gotta keep up the nutrition, especially while my sleep is crazy.  Got through this, did my best to pop the log on every rep, and came out stronger.  May do some weighted vest walking later, POSSIBLY some keg carries, or save that for tomorrow.

Tang Soo Do last night wasn't bad. Decent workout.  Did some training on breakfalls.  Fun to bring out some wrestling for that.  


48 minute weighted vest walk w/80lb vest

Notes: Thermometer said it was 107 out today, and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to experience some misery.  Sun got blocked by some clouds, which sucked, but still got pretty toasty.  My left knee is swollen like a grapefruit, which hasn't happened since 2017 and leads me to believe we have a NASTY storm coming.

Met the wife for lunch at her work today and her boss commented that I must be getting ready for a comp because I look huge compared to the last time she saw me.  Always good signs in a gaining phase.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2495



AM WORKOUT (0300 wake up via alarm)

Axle clean and push press away 175 w/4:45 rest (10 band pull aparts between sets)



Immediately after final set

50 dips

25 pushdowns

Lateral raise stripset (no rest, STILL immediately post final set of presses)





20xEmpty hands

45 second empty hands raised to sides ala crucific hold

90 second rest

Poundstone Curls

110xAxle+2.5lbs per side

Notes: This went much better than the last time. I had to drop the axle on the last rep for the final 2 sets, but rather than do a make up rest pause set on the final set like I did last time, I just treated it like a comp, re-cleaned and pressed the weight as needed. Figured getting in more cleans was never a bad thing. First set of these is ALWAYS rocky, as it takes a bit of doing first thing in the morning for my body to get coordinated and explosive, but after that it moved smoothly. This program just always surprises you in the final 2 weeks.

Thrusters continue to be the magic solution for toy soldier walking after squats. I’m feeling pretty decent. Sore, but not crippled.

Went very slightly off diet with a small serving of cake and ice cream yesterday. Once again, there’s no real denial to this: I don’t care to eat the stuff anymore. Just want more protein. On that note, went out for wings for lunch and go an awesome 10 piece with lemon pepper dry rub. Wife and kiddo have also taken to gardening, and I’m getting a LOT of cucumbers in my diet now right from the garden. Couple peppers and tomatoes too. We’re buying a lot of local produce from the farmer’s markets nearby. I know 20 year old me would never listen to 30 year old me, but it’s crazy the difference nutritional QUALITY makes.

I say all this looking at my orange dreamsicle Reign I am drinking…

95lb thrusters-chins-40kg KB swings

5 rounds of 10 reps each

Time: 7:15

Notes: Just something I came up with to get in my daily work and some thrusters to get my legs to keep healing before Tang Soo Do tonight.  Since the heat index is 106 out there and I'm still in the garage, this was an effective way to simulate the experience of being a baked potato.

Except since I'm a non-carbohydrate based lifeform, I suppose it was more like being a boiling lobster.

Which is awesome, because fun fact: lobsters are immortal.  But like, "Highlander immortal".  They won't die from natural causes, but you can definitely kill them. 

Much like what this WOD was trying to do to me.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2494

Got the day off with the Mrs today, so quick work.  Did 100 KB swings fasted and later after lunch did 30 135lb thrusters in 2:58 (first sub 3 minute time) and all my daily work.

Monday, July 26, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2493


AM WORKOUT (0700) Post 12 hour night shift

Buffalo Bar Squats 350

5 minutes rest between first 4 sets, 4:45 for remainder

SUPERSET (hyper-ab)

Reverse hyper 270

Standing ab wheel

Notes: "Hey, what did you do after your 12 hour night shift?", just come home, speed eat breakfast and absolutely crush the second hardest workout of Deep Water.  This went incredibly well.  Final set I had to rest a little at the top for the final 3 reps, but otherwise I just blew it away.  Last time I ran this program, THIS was the make or break point, and now it's just a checkpoint on my way to the final week.  I can keep patting myself on the back about this, but in general things are just going too damn well.

Got lawn mowing on the agenda along with a deadlift based WOD.


90 minutes of lawn mowing

308lb deadlift-chins-dips
3 Time: 5:24

Notes: Got things done earlier than expected  Feeling beat to hell.  

Sunday, July 25, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2492

AM WORKOUT (0545 wake up via dog) FASTED

TOWER OF BABEL (Punished for your pride) Front Squats 225 w/5 6 count burpees between sets
















Time: 25:02

Notes: Split the difference on Juarez Valley and ladders and went for a pyramid instead.  Really wasn't feeling it this morning, so kept the weight on the lighter side, which was the right call.  This is a sneaky workout.  Whereas Juarez kicks you in the nuts right from the start and you just hold on until it's over, you develop a false sense of confidence early into this, and THEN the worst part is you keep going to the well and finding MORE reps each time you do.  I can see this being a regular as well.

MAY get in some more conditioning before work today, but this was the priority so I'm glad I knocked it out.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2491

Busy day today.  Wife ran her 35th half marathon in celebration of her upcoming 35th birthday, and then we went to the zoo to meet up with family, so LOTS of walking and not eating.  Got in all my daily work, and then did this 

20 seconds on/10 seconds off

8 rounds of Devil's press with 55lbs

8 rounds of 40kg KB swings

8 rounds of burpees

Basically took the "50s" workout and made it tabata.  Very effective.  Have to stay focused and push the whole time though.  

Juarez valley tomorrow, or something adjacent.  Been thinking about doing a ladder style workout, starting at 1, 5 burpees, 2, 5 burpees, 3, etc until fail, then start over at one and repeat.  I feel like it would have a similar effect.

On that note, I'm reaching the point in an effective training cycle where I start self-destructing and wanting to do ANYTHING but what I'm doing.  It's the damndest thing, but happens often.  I'm so excited about being able to NOT eat like it's my job soon, but I can't start that early, because the REAL hard work will be these next 2 weeks.  I work a 12 hour night shift tomorrow, so that's a thing.

Friday, July 23, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2490



20 rounds of bear hug 150lb power keg carries

Odd rounds: end with 6 alternating KB snatches w/45lb bell

Even rounds: end with 10 40kg KB swings

Time: 24:00

90 second rest

6 "victory laps" holding the keg crossbody, no setting the keg down

Notes: Wasn't going for speed: Just wanted to get my body used to the feeling of the bear hug carry again.  This was absolutely brutal.  Spent time between rounds stopping myself from vomiting before getting to the next round.  Definitely one of those workouts where, on the first round, you realize you probably bit off more than you could chew.  Think this should help prep me for the huss stone.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2489


AM WORKOUT (0515 wake up via dog, 0650 workout)

Axle bench press 256



Close grip bench press 221


(3) DB incline bench 100s



1x7+immediate burnout set of dips



1xF+immediate burn out set of push ups

Push ups


1xF+slingshot set+catapult set

Notes: 2:40 between benching, 2:00 between dips and push ups. Got in 10 band pull aparts between all sets of benching as well. Was really strong in today’s bench workout: kinda nice to have that. Saw growth all around despite the short rests.

Got a night shift today. Gonna try to get in some conditioning somewhere.

Forgot to log that I did 100 fasted KB swings with the 40kg bell this morning.


20 seconds on/10 seconds off for 10 minutes of the following 

Odd round: Stone of Steel to shoulder

Even round: Burpees

Notes: This is just awesome.  The stone shouldering/burpee combo could easily slot into Juarez Valley one day too.  Full body one way and then full body the other.

Plan is to do a tabata Devil's press before work tonight.  Rumor is that internet might be down at the worksite, so logging now in case I'm dark.

Sparring night at Tang Soo Do was a blast, despite being "non-contact" sparring.  I couldn't NOT make contact: hard to overcome that.  Instructor was cool with it.  It was one 2 minute round, so little, but I haven't done any sparring in so long that it just felt amazing to move again like that.  Got lots to work on.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2488


AM WORKOUT (0250 natural wakeup)



Power cleans 155 w/3:50 rest



Sets of 10 dips done between first 5 sets

Axle shrugs against light bands


Kroc rows 115


40 BW reverse hypers

50 band pull aparts

25 band pushdowns

20 standing ab wheel

Notes: Sleep was better than last night, but still a little on the rough side. First set of cleans was garbage, but after that I came alive. Focused on actually “catching” the bar with some knee bend vs launching it to my clavicle from a fully upright position. Still awful at the movement, but it gets my heart rate up and feels brutal enough, especially as I remain wrecked from deads and presses.

Sparring night tonight at Tang Soo Do. I’m excited. Been a LONG time. It’s no-contact point sparring, but whatever: it’ll at least get my heart rate up.

I legit feel like I gave myself the flu from deadlifts. Ribs/torso ache and I spent the first hour of work yesterday feeling like I was going to vomit.

Got in a 2.6 mile walk with the Mrs yesterday in the evening. Good to get in that low impact stuff.


30 thrusters w/135lbs

3:05 (new PR)

Notes: This just remains an awesome Grace-like WOD with a different focus. Sucks similar but different.

Also, RIP my GHR. The footplate snapped off it today during daily work. I might put it against a wall to see if that answers the mail, but maybe I’ll treat myself to a floor version. In the interim, I might settle on daily swings to keep the hamstrings trained, although that’s a different approach and it’s weighted.

 Training Log: Entry 2487



AM WORKOUT (0250 natural wakeup)

Axle clean and strict press away 156lbs w/3:50 rest between sets



Between sets: 5 chins w/various grips and 5x10 band pull aparts spread throughout

Immediately after final set

50 dips

25 band pushdowns

Lateral raise stripset (no rest)





20xEmpty hands

Arms held out “crucifix hold” style for 35 seconds

20 standing ab wheel

90 second rest

Poundstone curls


40 bodyweight reverse hypers

10 chins

Notes: Had a rough time sleeping last night. Wondering if I just fried myself out and was too exhausted to sleep. That said, I absolutely crushed this workout, as most likely my body has learned that it HAS to perform under these circumstances or the consequences will be dire. Only had to bow and arrow on the final rep of the final 2 sets: otherwise just blew away every set. Trick was to just move as quick as possible and get as many reps in one breath as I could. Average was 10 reps each set. Very first set was rough just because I’m skipping warm-ups, but starting off with the hardest set kinda puts me in a good place with these workouts.

Poundstones were solid. Digging that crucifix style hold at the end of lateral raises. Just a good training session, especially the day after something so rough. Right now, just my traps are showing the signs of the battle. That, and all my blown out blood vessels. I look like I have a lot of freckles, haha.


Axle Grace Echo

30 reps: 2:56

15: 1:36

7 : 0:36

Notes: Was the absolute last thing I wanted to do, which meant I needed to do it. Good to see a sub 3 again.

Monday, July 19, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2486


AM WORKOUT (0525 wake up via alarm, 0700 workout)

Texas Deadlift Bar deadlifts 405 w/4 minutes rest between sets

Box jumps (deadllift mats +35lb bumper)

SUPERSET circuit (no rest) hypers-abs

Reverse hypers 230

Standing ab wheel

Notes: Caution, self-indulgence ahead, but honestly, f**k everything, I did 100 deadlifts in 9 sets with 405lbs.  If you even dream of beating me you better wake up and apologize.  This is the first time this round of Deep Water I felt like quitting, and, once again, not the program, but just lifting in general.  It was the squats that got me the first time around, now it's the deads: funny how that goes.  I did as many touch and go reps as possible, but on the last 3 sets I employed dead stop on the final 1-3 reps respectively, to include pulling that extra rep at the end just to give the deadlift the ultimate "f--k you".  And yes, I DID give the bar the finger when I was done.

Didn't do the cheat meal before this like I wanted to.  Opportunity abound: I was at a pizza buffet on Sunday, but I'm just at a point where I don't WANT to eat that stuff.  And it's not like when I was dealing with health marker stressors and was DENYING myself those things and experiencing anguish over it: I'm honestly just so dialed in right now that I have zero temptation to go "off menu".  My cheating right now is VOLUME rather than taste: I just want to eat MASSIVE quantities of the things that will make me stronger.  Before it seemed like depression, and what THIS is isn't necessarily "healthier", but it's put me in a much better headspace.

Mrs has been pouring on the compliments.  I'm just about done with 6 solid months of gaining, and I've put on minimal bodyfat while hitting lifetime markers on performance.  Could not have been done better.  I need a break simply because living like this is unsustainable.  I'm tired of "feeling" fat all the time from all the food in my guts, and I'm tired of spending so much time getting that food OUT of my guts.  Be good to return to "lighter-leaner-lethal" for 6 weeks or so before re-evaluating.  Times out perfect with my comp.

Got lawn mowing and squats for later on the agenda.

Lawn mowing for 90 minutes


Buffalo bar squat 300lbs-chins-dips



15 time: 5:30

Notes: Hips really didn't wanna play on this one, but after the first 2 reps things got where I needed them to be.  Still a solid lung breaker.  Been a busy day.  Good to stay active.  Got 2 earlies and a late heading my way.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2485

Got in fasted daily work this morning, then


42 unbroken burpees

Burpees broken by kid

30 seconds rest

100 unbroken burpees (6:59)

Notes: Not my best time, but given the circumstances I'll take it.  Despite my self-destructive instincts, with tomorrow being deadlifts, I'm avoiding loading my body with anything external.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2484


AM WORKOUT (0555 natural wake up) FASTED

15 minute circuit of

10 KB swings

5 chins

10 swings

5 dips

repeat until 50 chins and 50 dips had been done, do swings to finish out the 15 minutes

Accomplished all remaining daily work

Notes: Just something to kick start my Saturday.  Planning on running a light/reppy Juarez Valley today so that I'm not totally broken come deadlifts on Monday.


Juarez Valley Front Squats 225 w/5 six count burpees between sets

16 (lifetime PR)










6 Time: 27:20

Immediately transition to

Belt squat stripset (no rest or lockout)

Reps of 150, 125, 100, 75, 50, 25 and axle 

Notes: Another one of those workouts where I didn't want to do it and I ended up crushing it. Realized it's THIS very workout that is making Deep Water easier, because I was floored after this. That first set of 16 was  like air. Could hit a great more, but it woulda bought me an even stupider workout, so I took the chip shot PR. No idea what I did on the belt squats, but it sucked.

I actually could've hit the 8 set without a re rack but I clanged the weight into my circus dumbbell on the eccentric and had to adjust. Strongman problems.

Friday, July 16, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2483


AM WORKOUT (0310 wake up via alarm)

Axle Bench Press 256




Close grip axle bench press 216


(3) Incline DB bench 100s



1x7+burnout set of dips



1xF+burnout set of push ups

Push ups


1xF+burnout w/slingshot+burnout w/catapult

4 rounds no rest of

10 KB swings

10 chins

Notes: 3:00 between sets of benching/2:00 between dips/push ups. 5x10 pull aparts spread through out the workout. Once again, just some ennui with this workout. It’s hard to get up at 0310 JUST to bench. I’m seeing solid progress, and it helps my pressing, so that’s cool, but still…

My shoulder is feeling better. Right patella hurts much. Floating pain.

Back is pretty fried from the log yesterday. Conditioning needs to be more quad focused for a bit. Got deads on the horizon and I plan to crush it. Golden opportunities for big eating this weekend.


100 thrusters w/95lbs

5 KB swings w/40kg bell every time I set the bar down

Time: 13:12

Notes: This is awesome.  Something I came up with after reading similar WODs.  Burpees would work just fine in place of swings of course, but I got Juarez valley soon: I'll do enough burpees.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2482


AM WORKOUT (0305 natural wakeup)

Log cleans 150 w/3:50 between sets



5x10 band pull aparts spread during rest periods

Axle shrugs against light bands




Notes:Got about 4.5 hours of sleep after coming home from Tang Soo Do in the evening and starting this up. TSD itself was pretty cool: got to learn some new one setp self defense and we got a new student that’s a transfer from the Netherlands. High ranking dude, which also means there’s now one other male in the class aside from myself and the instructor.

Wore my 1980s style fingerless lifting gloves for the log cleans. Helped keep my hands from tearing.

It was incredibly humid in the garage this morning, and then the skies opened up and I could hear the rain pounding even over the sound of music. Definitely need to watch my salt intake, because I was pouring sweat. I was lacking in “pop” on the cleans, but given my fatigued state that’s understandable.

Officially registered for the competition yesterday: I am signed up as a 181lb competitor for Midwest’s Strongest Man 2021. Events/weights as follows.

Viking press: 255

Car deadlift: Car

H-Stone carry: 325

Axle Squat: 375

Just realized how heavy that stone carry is. In general, this is my kinda show. Static, reppy, low technique, heavy carry. Still gonna run Deep Water Intermediate to the end, then dial in the diet a bit. DoggCrapp might actually be the right prescription so that I have more days to spend drilling my carries. SVR II would work just fine too though. Too many avenues for success: never a bad thing.


21 Tabata protocol rounds (20 seconds on/10 seconds off) of the following circuit

Minute 1: Stone of steel shouldering

Minute 2: 40kg KB swings

Minute 3: Burpees

Notes: This was awesome.  Really blew me out quick.  I want to get back in the habit of picking heavy stuff off the floor, since it looks like that's how the H-stone is gonna go.  All the work with overhead off the floor paid off, as I didn't skip a beat on it.  Rest of it was a solid fatigue inducer.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2481


AM WORKOUT (0300 natural wake up)

Axle clean and push press away 175




1x10+4 rest pause

Immediately followed by 50 dips

Immediately followed by

Lateral raise stripset





20xEmpty hands w/30 second hold at top at final rep

Poundstone curls


Notes: Wheels fell off a bit on those push presses. On set 7 I started feeling uncharacteristic full body fatigue and mis-timed the 11th rep, which was a bit of the beginning of the end. Salvaged it with a PR still with that rest pause at the end, ensuring I got 100 reps in a shorter time than previously. Right patella was bugging me a little on the push presses: been an issue the whole program.

Worth considering that I’m making this more challenging by taking the weight off the floor. On that note, my cleans were solid today.

I liked throwing in that hold at the top at the end of lateral raises. Something from DC. Definitely a keeper.

My aggression is up. Nice to feel that way again.

We cleared the final logistical hurdle for the comp, so I should be good to go. Going to register for it tonight if I can clear some time off my evening schedule, but Tang Soo Do is on the agenda, along with some more conditioning and then meal prep.


30 thrusters w/135

Time: 3:15

Rest of daily work

Notes: Time is getting really solid on that.  Perfect feeder workout after Deep Water squats.  Really forces me through the ROM.

Forgot to log that, during press workout, I was doing pull aparts and chins between sets.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2480


AM WORKOUT (0545 wakeup via alarm, 0700 workout)

Buffalo Bar Squats 350lbs w/3:50 rest between sets



SUPERSET (hyper-abs) circuit: no rest 

Reverse hyper 290


Standing ab wheel


20 chins and 20 dips

Notes: You can't stop me.  I'm too strong.  I'm too motivated.  And you're too weak

Ok, that aside, it's the goddamn truth: I am obliterating these squat workouts.  I've never been this finely tuned for squats before.  And this is AFTER hitting a lifetime PR on front squats as part of a conditioning workout the day before.  I used to do these workouts with 240lbs and think I was something big.  This week actually felt like a relief because it was "only" 9 sets instead of 10.  My hamstring twinged on the second set, so I had to take things a little slow, but I was also conscious of that thing I pulled in my groin yesterday, so speed was already downplayed.

Gonna fit the deads in on a conditioning WOD pretty soon.  Got 3 earlies in a row coming up.


TnG Deads 308 (140kg)-chins-dips




3 Time: 5:10

Notes: Getting fast at this.  Great way to get in some daily work, the technique work, and conditioning. 

Monday, July 12, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2479


AM WORKOUT (0530 wake up via dog, 0720 workout)

Juarez Valley Front Squats 280 w/5 sixe count burpees between sets
8 (lifetime PR)

Time: 19:00

Transition immediately to 14 rounds of EMOM daily work w/4 40kg KB swing buy in

Belt squats stripset (no lockout)
40x150 (pr)

Notes: Training was legit the last thing I wanted to do today.  Just hitting the burn out hard, most likely from stress from the weekend.  Convinced myself to go heavy, so it'd be shorter, and hit that PR so that I started with a victory and wouldn't care after that.  Asterisk indicates sets where I had to rack the bar before completing the reps.  Usually a factor of bar roll, but sometimes legit just out of gas.  Starting off with a PR had me playing catch up through out.  Think my right shoulder is aching from the swings: primarily from STOPPING the bell.  Need to let it swing to a deadstop rather than try to force on the breaks.  Also felt a slight pull on my groin picking up the bell from the floor, so I need to watch for that with squats tomorrow.  I'm happy that I gave this my all and came away with a W.

Extra activity today will be loading some tree limbs into my truck and taking them to a dump site.  Need to start training carries again.

Weighed myself this morning post breakfast and came in at 189.8.  Been eating my face off and still not in the 190s.  The crazy thing is 190 was a weight I used to CUT down to.  I think 181 is gonna be my weight class for this comp, because after these next 4 weeks I'm gonna need a break from this style of eating.  My digestive track needs a break.  It's been cool being able to put away so much food and train so hard, and I plan to bring it back, but I think 6-7 weeks of downtime will serve well.


48 minute 80lb weighted vest hill walks

Notes: Hadn't done anything low intensity for a while.  Nice enough day for it.  Got the branches picked up and moved too.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2478

AM WORKOUT (0600 wake up via dog) FASTED


Notes: Did 16 total rounds, using a 40kg bell, and on the 16th round I swung the KB for 50 reps. Nice start to the day.

On that note, yesterday was an unscheduled off day. We lost power from a storm and had some pretty significant damage. We were told by the power company it’d be several days without power, and with a freezer full of piedmontese beef that was a no sale, so we got a generator. And since 200k of us lost power, generators were sold out everywhere, so we drove to the next city to get one. And since I’m me, I attempted to load it into my truck by myself like it was an atlas stone, until some jackass swooped out of the blue and “helped” me.

Ever notice how when people ask “do you need a hand?”, they don’t accept the answer of “no” before they just insert themselves?

I still managed to start that day off with 150kb swings with the 40 and all my daily work. Nutrition went out the window. Waking up without power, we tried going out to eat, and discovered everyone else had the same idea, so we ended up at a Wendy’s that was drivethrough only, I ordered a maple bacon chicken breakfast sandwich, assuming it a chicken sandwich with maple bacon…only to discover it was a chicken and bacon sandwich covered in maple syrup. Tossed it and had a quest bar for breakfast…and then fasted until 1500 because the day just got crazier and crazier.

I am a bit proud of how nutrition went from there. Came home with the generator but needed nutrition before I continued, and instead of caving and having some “cardboard carbs” (thanks Dan John), I opened up a can of chicken and tossed it in a mixing bowl with half an avocado, 2 giant spoonfulls of sunbutter, 6 macadamia nuts, some hot sauce and some salt. It was honestly really palatable, but also just a ton of concentrated energy. I really just have no craving for junk these days.

Power is back, so back to the grind.


Axle bench press 251

Close grip axle bench 216

(3) Incline DB bench 95s
3x10 w/dips to failure after last set

2xF with push ups to failure after last set

Push ups
2xF with push ups to failure using reactive slingshot and then catapult on last set


Tabata 40kg KB swings and burpees (swings on odd rounds/burpees on even)

Notes: 3:20 rests between sets of bench, 2:00 between sets of bodyweight work.  My right shoulder has been bugging me today: wondering if I torqued it doing some fence reconstruction/generator moving.  Still strong enough for the workout: Just bugging it on other stuff.  Pleased with the DB benching and the flat bench, although setting up for this workout I realized how much I just don't give a f**k about benching any more.  Been doing it since I started lifting weights, and it just doesn't excite me at all.  And I realize I hate all of my training, but there's at least some of it that I fear enough that overcoming it is worthwhile, but this really feels like going through the motions.  Change may be on the horizon.

That conditioning workout was awesome.  Gonna remember it.

Friday, July 9, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2477


AM WORKOUT (0310 Wake up via alarm)

Power cleans

10x10x155 w/3:45 rest

Sets of 10 pull aparts between even sets, sets of 10 dips between odd sets

Chins (various grips)


Clean pulls 225


Notes: Ran this out of order as I had no idea how long it was going to take and I was training before work. Cleans were the priority, so I got them done, then did what I could from there. Will finish up some later. For being done first thing in the morning after 6 hours of sleep after 36 hours awake, a few of those cleans actually had some decent pop. I was pulling off my crash mats, which cut away noise and honestly put me in a better starting position. I’m just plain not built for weightlifting with my monkey arms and stump of a torso (fantastic deadlifter though), so elevating the starting height makes things a bit more “fair”. Rack position is, of course, garbage. Lot of “Paul Anderson cleans” in there, but occasionally things would come together. If nothing else, 100 bad form cleans are a fantastic metabolic workout.

I’m surprisingly unsore from the deadlifts. However, something interesting I’ve noticed this go round is that I get torso soreness, sorta around the serratus. It’s a bit like body aches, sorta like the flu. I have a feeling my body is just finding new ways to manifest fatigue as I continue to find new ways to push it.


Clean pulls 225


Axle shrugs against light bands


Kroc rows 115


Bodyweight reverse hyper



135lb thrusters/40kg KB swing




1 Time: 4:28

20 standing ab wheel

50 KB swings

Notes: Just a hodgepodge of stuff to finish out the back day and get in conditioning.  Speaking of, that thruster/swing thing is nuts.  I was absolutely nuked inside of 4:30.  Might drop the weight on the thruster a touch next time to get in some more reps, but definitely some magic there.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2476


AM WORKOUT (0700) Post night shift

25 chins

Axle clean and strict press away
10x10x156 w/3:50 rests

Immediately post final set
50 dips
25 pushdowns

10 band pull aparts between odd sets/5 chins between even sets

Lateral raise dropset
22xEmpty hands

SUPERSET: hyper-abs (no rest between all sets)

Reverse hyper 250

Standing ab wheel

Poundstone curls 

Notes: Absolutely clutch press workout.  The 9th set was a grinder, but I got it all back together for the 10th.  Focusing on making the clean really pop gets me set up strong for pressing.  Just feeling strong.  Gonna mow the lawn and hit up the Grace echo WOD at some point today in my quest to stay up all day, then an early shift tomorrow morning.  Still torn on if I'm gonna do barbell cleans, hit the log for shorter rest times, use the axle, or totally wildcard it, but I'll come up with something.


Mowing/edging lawn for 90 minutes

Axle Grace Echo
30 reps in 2:54
15 in 1:48
7 in :38

Family 5k

Notes: Pretty much haven't stopped moving today, which is good given I need to stay up.  First sub-3 in Grace in a while.  Kept hitting the garage door motor but still managed to overcome.  Family run was unscheduled but good extra activity.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2475


AM WORKOUT (0550 wake up via alarm, 0830 workout)

Texas deadlift bar TnG deadlifts
10x10x405 w/4:00 between sets

Box jumps
5x10 w/1:00 between sets

20 standing ab wheels
40 reverse hypers
50 band pull aparts
25 band pushdowns

Notes: This was absolutely some Deep Water.  Deads started out rough and never got better. Settled on the deadlift bar vs the axle because it allowed greater opportunity for hitching, ramping, and grinding, which seemed pretty crucial to the experience.  Let me just take a moment to say that 10x10x405 confirms I am all that is man.  

My box for box jumps is my deadlift mats all stacked together.  I'll keep increasing height as I can.  I'm a terrible jumper, so it doesn't take much.

Gonna get in the squats later, along with Tang Soo Do, and then a night shift.

I got my hotel booked for the comp.  Was going to sign up, but I realized I have no idea what my weight class is.  One of these mornings, I need to weigh myself.


Buffalo Bar squat 295-chins-dips




Time: 5:38

Tang Soo Do class (1900)

Just learned the new form and some strikes and blocks. Having some ideological differences regarding stances and guard, but I’m here to learn. New belt looks nice on me.


100 kb swings w/40kg bell

Time: 2:30

Notes: That squat WOD is legit. I was huffing bad when it was over. TSD class was very easy, which is what I needed after that deadlift workout. Got in the swings just to get the hear rate up before work started.

I went through my log and found out I’m actually moving much more weight this round of Deep Water than last time. I was deadlifting 368lbs (playing around with pounds and kilos) and push pressing 155. Squats were like 290 something. I’d been beating myself up thinking that I was moving less this go round, since I dropped so much bodyweight, but it appears I’ve still grown significantly stronger. I’m “feeling” fatter just from always having a full gut, but still got the markers of a smaller waist size and the belt hole on my power belt. That said, I’m still looking to cut calories at the end of DW intermediate, just becaues my body needs a break. It’ll be 6 months of eating to gain at that point, and I’ve kept it clean the whole time, which presents its own challenges. I’m thinking just a 6 week re-adjustment and evaluate from there. I’ve been talking DoggCrapp, and that might still happen, but I may also get back to SVR II, as that’s served me well a ton of times. Either way, gotta get through these next 5 weeks first.

I AM thinking of doing a legit cheat meal before my next deadlift workout, just because this one completely annihilated me. Had the “deadlift hangover” afterwards, zombied my way around the house for an hour before settling in for my nap before my night shift. I think a carb bump would go far.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2474

AM WORKOUT (0610 natural wake up) FASTED


Notes: Since I only have a 40kg and a 20kg bell, I split the difference and did the first 150 swings with the 40, the next 128 with the 20, then finished off with the 40 again.  Highest burpee count I got to was 6.  Finished it in 15 minutes on the dot: right when the next EMOM was rolling in.

This is a very solid 15 minute workout. I was panting at the end, but not totally wasted.  Grip is still the limiting factor on the 40kg swings for me, which just gives me a reason to keep doing them.  Great to see this growth.


30 Devil Presses (50s)
30 DB thrusters (50s)
30 KB swings (40kg)
90 burpees

Time: 19:20

 Notes: Yeah, this sucked.  Man, those burpees looked rough.  Next time, I'm thinking barbell thrusters.  I just don't have the balance for the DBs.

Monday, July 5, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2473


AM WORKOUT (0310 Wake up via alarm)

Juarez Valley front squats 280lbs w/5 six count burpees between sets







4-Time: 17:02

6x225 Time: 20:04

Transition immediately to 15 rounds of EMOM daily work w/4 swing buy in w/40kg bell

Transition immediately to belt squat stripset w/no lockout or rest between sets








Notes: Wanted to do something I hadn’t done before so I’d have no baseline to chase. First time doing a sub 8 rep workout. It’s STILL a lung breaker. Amazing how it just always scales. Stakes were high on this one as the in-laws are still in town so I REALLY didn’t wanna dump the bar at 0300. Came close a few times too. Threw on that set of 225 at the end just to make it a 20 minute workout. 8 reps was in me for 280, but that woulda been in for the workout. Already I had some “eyes on the cheeks” reps, to quote Jasha Faye.

Think I’m gonna pull the trigger on the comp in Sep. Logistics seem to be working out. And then the wife wants to run a half marathon 2 weeks after that and asked if I wanted to join her…so I might so that too, because I’m great at making bad decisions. This might actually make DC the right call, since I’d have a bit more time to get in some running.

I ate well yesterday for the 4th: double bison burger and a piedmontese hot dog with some local sweet corn. Once again, I really have no desire for “cheat food” any more: I just want more and more protein. The corn was my “cheat”, and all it needed was a little salt to be totally magical. I’m also just happy with how much my relationship with food has improved, as I remember last 4th of Jul I was racking my brain over what I was going to eat/how, and then really just melted down once I got to the meal itself. Only issue I had this time was that I was sleep deprived coming off my night shift and rushing from making everyone’s food that I was halfway through my burger before I realized I hadn’t even tasted it: I was just shoveling it down trying to get to the “next objective”. Slowed myself down and savored it.

Taking tomorrow off of DW, as I don’t have any forced downtime coming up that I’m aware of. Got the first week knocked out: 5 more to go. I’m so over gaining weight, so a break will be nice. That said, I’m tossing up a new idea of keeping the weight the same as beginners for my deadlift workout and using the axle instead of the texas deadlift bar. Got a day to make a decision on it.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2472


AM WORKOUT (0620) Post Night Shift

25 chins

Axle Bench Press 251

Axle close grip bench press 216

(3) Incline DB bench 95
1x9+set of dips

1xfailure+set of push ups

Push ups
1xF+burnout w/slingshot+burnout w/catapult+25 pushdowns

20 standing ab wheels
40 reverse hypers


5 rounds (no rest) of

20 kb swings w/40kg bell
5 chins

Time 4:36

Notes: 2:00 rest between everything.  Wanted to get this done speedy to get back to the family.  Saw growth across the board: awesome results.  Conditioning helped me finish out my daily work and was honestly pretty brutal.  My grip is the real limiting factor on these swings, especially with the torn callouses, so I'm excited for the opportunity this will have to improve things. Will ideally get in some more conditioning today, and then Juarez valley before my early shift tomorrow.



10 rounds of
10 kb swings w/40kg bell
10 devil's presses w/20lb dumbbells

45 seconds per round

Time: 21:10

Chased with unbroken burpees set to Iced Earth's "1776" to celebrate the 4th

Helluva workout.

 Training Log: Entry 2471



AM WORKOUT (0600) Post Night Shift

Chins (various grips) (2:00 between sets)


Clean pulls 235 (2:00 between sets)


Log cleans 150 (3:45 between sets)



75 swings w/40kg bell

30 devil’s presses w/20lb DBs

Time: 5:00

Notes: Deviance in the programming, but it was absolutely the right call. I actually focused on using all the lessons I’ve learned on the barbell clean into the log clean, and they were the most explosive log cleans I’ve ever done. Actually got it to pop into place like I’ve seen others do. Getting triple extension on it much better than I can with a barbell. Things are really moving along.

Tore both my hands on the log. Didn’t notice until it was done and I washed my hands. They’ll heal fast enough.

150 was just about perfect for weight. Cleans are a bit of a different animal with Deep Water, because you can set the implement down and take a breather, so discipline is big. I was hurting on those later rounds.

This totally lit up my middle back. Very interesting sensation.

Real question is if I’m just gonna use the log the whole time, or if I rotate in barbell, axle and keg. Lots of room to play here.

The conditioning workout before work was actually pretty nifty. Set a timer, get the 75 swings, and then as many presses as possible until time runs out. I’m training “less” right now with family in town and crazy work schedules, but I’m getting in what I can, where I can.

I’m proud and upset at the same time about the fact my kid broke their first board today at Tang Soo Do and I unfortunately missed it due to needing to sleep from the night shift. But I’m more proud than sad, so that helps.

Plans to eat big on the 4th tomorrow. Happy Birthday America.

 Training Log: Entry 2470



AM WORKOUT (0620) Post Night Shift

Axle clean and push press away

10x10x175 (3:45 between sets)

Sets of 8 chins between even sets

Sets of 10 pull aparts between odd sets

Immediately post final set

50 dips w/25 pushdown chaser

DB lateral raise stripset (no rest)





22xEmpty hands

Poundstone curls

110xAxle+2.5 per side

25kb swings w/40kg bell

PM WORKOUT (1600) post sleep

Fran WOD

Time: 5:45


12 Tabata rounds (20 seconds on/10 seconds off) as follows

Round 1: 40kg KB swing

Round 2: 20lb devil’s presses

Round 3: 20lb DB thrusters


Finish with 25 kb swings

Notes: Full day of training, I’ll see what I can remember worth logging. Observant readers will note my axle weight is ending with a 5 vs the traditional 6, and that’s because I wasn’t using my kilo plates to get to a 136lb baseline like usual, instead slapping 2 35s onto a 15kg axle and then using 1lb collars to get me to 175lbs. This weight is the absolute right weight for this phase of the program. I actually missed the final rep of the final set due to a misgroove, and the last 4 reps of the final 5 sets were challenging. Cleaning the axle at the start continues to be the money/high IQ move. Really happy I’ve kept that. Had to be quiet for the first half of the workout and then could open up a bit more after that. Swings after Poundstone curls are amazingly terrible. My push press ability has really gotten strong.

Typically, I go with Grace on press days, but I picked Fran because I wanted to get in more thruster work AND, with my in-laws in town, I didn’t want to make the ruckus that comes with dropping 136lbs overhead 30+ times. Time was slow, but makes sense with the circumstances.

Little pre-work circuit answered the mail. Just digging those swings.

Thinking it’s gonna be log cleans vs barbell cleans tomorrow. I can be much more quiet on a log. DO need to watch out for my elbows on that though: can’t let it down too gentle. It’s going to be a tight day as it is, because I work a 12 that night, but it means I get the 4th off.

I am incredibly sore. Waking up in the middle of the day and walking to the bathroom I feel about a million years old. Good incentive to eat more. I actually think I’m getting ahead of the leg soreness again. It hurts, but already seems to be moving in the right direction.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2469

AM WORKOUT (0510 wake up via spouse alarm)

Fasted 50 swings w/40kg bell


Buffalo Bar Squats


SUPERSET (hyper-abs) no rest between sets

Reverse hyper 270


Standing ab wheel


KB swings w/40kg bell


Notes: 3:45 between sets of squats.  Welcome to intermediate boys.  350 is just about perfect.  Maybe 5lbs under, but the last 2 sets were tough, and that tends to be my metric.  Oh yeah, and the exertion headache.  Getting this done in 8 sets is going to be a challenge.  And let's celebrate that I've added 25lbs to my 10x10 squat in 6 weeks.  Things are moving great.

Will get the deads in as part of a WOD later, and then get in some sort of thruster to get some blood into my quads.  Working lates the next 3 days.

First, completely forgot to post that I got my next belt in Tang Soo Do last night, so that's cool.  My background keeps slipping through.  We did breakfalls last night and I "got it" on the first try.  I got asked if I played sports in high school and reported (truthfully) that I wrestled.

"Oh that explains it"

Yup.  It sure does...


Touch and Go deadlifts 308lbs (140kg)-chins-dips





Time: 6:28

Notes: Upping the weight on the WOD now.  Not world ending, but solid none the less.