Sunday, July 4, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2471



AM WORKOUT (0600) Post Night Shift

Chins (various grips) (2:00 between sets)


Clean pulls 235 (2:00 between sets)


Log cleans 150 (3:45 between sets)



75 swings w/40kg bell

30 devil’s presses w/20lb DBs

Time: 5:00

Notes: Deviance in the programming, but it was absolutely the right call. I actually focused on using all the lessons I’ve learned on the barbell clean into the log clean, and they were the most explosive log cleans I’ve ever done. Actually got it to pop into place like I’ve seen others do. Getting triple extension on it much better than I can with a barbell. Things are really moving along.

Tore both my hands on the log. Didn’t notice until it was done and I washed my hands. They’ll heal fast enough.

150 was just about perfect for weight. Cleans are a bit of a different animal with Deep Water, because you can set the implement down and take a breather, so discipline is big. I was hurting on those later rounds.

This totally lit up my middle back. Very interesting sensation.

Real question is if I’m just gonna use the log the whole time, or if I rotate in barbell, axle and keg. Lots of room to play here.

The conditioning workout before work was actually pretty nifty. Set a timer, get the 75 swings, and then as many presses as possible until time runs out. I’m training “less” right now with family in town and crazy work schedules, but I’m getting in what I can, where I can.

I’m proud and upset at the same time about the fact my kid broke their first board today at Tang Soo Do and I unfortunately missed it due to needing to sleep from the night shift. But I’m more proud than sad, so that helps.

Plans to eat big on the 4th tomorrow. Happy Birthday America.

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