Saturday, July 24, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2491

Busy day today.  Wife ran her 35th half marathon in celebration of her upcoming 35th birthday, and then we went to the zoo to meet up with family, so LOTS of walking and not eating.  Got in all my daily work, and then did this 

20 seconds on/10 seconds off

8 rounds of Devil's press with 55lbs

8 rounds of 40kg KB swings

8 rounds of burpees

Basically took the "50s" workout and made it tabata.  Very effective.  Have to stay focused and push the whole time though.  

Juarez valley tomorrow, or something adjacent.  Been thinking about doing a ladder style workout, starting at 1, 5 burpees, 2, 5 burpees, 3, etc until fail, then start over at one and repeat.  I feel like it would have a similar effect.

On that note, I'm reaching the point in an effective training cycle where I start self-destructing and wanting to do ANYTHING but what I'm doing.  It's the damndest thing, but happens often.  I'm so excited about being able to NOT eat like it's my job soon, but I can't start that early, because the REAL hard work will be these next 2 weeks.  I work a 12 hour night shift tomorrow, so that's a thing.

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