Monday, July 19, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2486


AM WORKOUT (0525 wake up via alarm, 0700 workout)

Texas Deadlift Bar deadlifts 405 w/4 minutes rest between sets

Box jumps (deadllift mats +35lb bumper)

SUPERSET circuit (no rest) hypers-abs

Reverse hypers 230

Standing ab wheel

Notes: Caution, self-indulgence ahead, but honestly, f**k everything, I did 100 deadlifts in 9 sets with 405lbs.  If you even dream of beating me you better wake up and apologize.  This is the first time this round of Deep Water I felt like quitting, and, once again, not the program, but just lifting in general.  It was the squats that got me the first time around, now it's the deads: funny how that goes.  I did as many touch and go reps as possible, but on the last 3 sets I employed dead stop on the final 1-3 reps respectively, to include pulling that extra rep at the end just to give the deadlift the ultimate "f--k you".  And yes, I DID give the bar the finger when I was done.

Didn't do the cheat meal before this like I wanted to.  Opportunity abound: I was at a pizza buffet on Sunday, but I'm just at a point where I don't WANT to eat that stuff.  And it's not like when I was dealing with health marker stressors and was DENYING myself those things and experiencing anguish over it: I'm honestly just so dialed in right now that I have zero temptation to go "off menu".  My cheating right now is VOLUME rather than taste: I just want to eat MASSIVE quantities of the things that will make me stronger.  Before it seemed like depression, and what THIS is isn't necessarily "healthier", but it's put me in a much better headspace.

Mrs has been pouring on the compliments.  I'm just about done with 6 solid months of gaining, and I've put on minimal bodyfat while hitting lifetime markers on performance.  Could not have been done better.  I need a break simply because living like this is unsustainable.  I'm tired of "feeling" fat all the time from all the food in my guts, and I'm tired of spending so much time getting that food OUT of my guts.  Be good to return to "lighter-leaner-lethal" for 6 weeks or so before re-evaluating.  Times out perfect with my comp.

Got lawn mowing and squats for later on the agenda.

Lawn mowing for 90 minutes


Buffalo bar squat 300lbs-chins-dips



15 time: 5:30

Notes: Hips really didn't wanna play on this one, but after the first 2 reps things got where I needed them to be.  Still a solid lung breaker.  Been a busy day.  Good to stay active.  Got 2 earlies and a late heading my way.


  1. That is maniacal man, I wonder how badly that's going to have you feeling the next day. Legendary work.

    1. Thanks dude! Honestly feels like I gave myself the flu, haha. Lots of body aches, torso especially. Hurts to cough. Just wild.
