Training Log: Entry 2555
AM WORKOUT (0540 wake up via alarm, 0640 workout)
20 chins (underhand)
GIANT SETS (bench-chin-pull)
Axle bench press
Chins (underhand)
Band pull aparts
10 standing ab wheels
SUPERSETS (bench-row) 90 seconds between sets/total time 22:50
Axle bench press 211
5x10 (pause first 3 reps)
DB rows 115
10 standing ab wheels
(3) Incline DB bench 90s
9+4+3 (+4 w/Metal Catapult) DC rest pause
Transition immediately to 50 dips
Transition immediately to lateral raise stripset
20xEmpty hands
2:05 empty hand crucifix hold
Transition immediately to 2 mile dog walk w/80lb vest
Transition immediately to 1 hour of lawn mowing
Notes: Busy morning, and really just taking a break to let the battery recharge for my lawn mower before getting back at it. My whole body is incredibly sore: really feeling the effects of pushing things. I was dragging hard in Tang Soo Do last night. We got our Orange Belts, so that's cool. Sparring was a bust: we ended up just working combinations on the wavemasters. There is a tournament in 2 weeks and I think they wanted to keep from people getting injured. I'm getting looser with the lower body and throwing some fancier stuff, so that's cool.
As much as I dug focusing on the press these past 7 weeks, having a bench focused day really slots in well with this weight gain protocol, as it's far less intense and gives me a bit of a break before my deadlift workout. Stole from Paul Kelso and paused the first few reps in the set to up the challenge. Will try to pause all of them on 5s week and forego pausing on the 1s. Didn't make the 20 minute mark, but I'm doing unilateral rows, so that takes twice as long. May go for a different approach next time.
Wanna get in something short and intense today to get the quads opened back up. Thinking about doing some sort of Grace-esque workout using back squat thrusters. I want to get in more behind the neck pressing.