Monday, November 15, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2601

BUILDING THE MONOLITH Week 1, Workout 3 (or 4 or 5, but it's the 3rd lifting workout)

AM WORKOUT (0319 natural wake up)

Buffalo Bar Squat







Axle clean and strict press (clean each rep) 


Weighted NG chins 80lbs


Band pull aparts



Neck harness 55lbs

4 sets

Axle shrugs against bands

60 w/short average bands, stripset down to 40 w/light bands

Buffalo Bar Squats


Reverse hyper


20 standing ab wheels

50 dips

25 pushdowns

20 GHRs

SECOND BREAKFAST (protein shake AND Christmas Crunch, 'tis the season)


62 barbell thrusters w/115lbs in 10 minutes

Notes: Here's how the workout broken down.  Started off with giant sets of Squats-chin-press.  Did that until I ran out of chins, then it was squat-pull apart-press until I ran out of squats (minus the widowmaker: saved that for the end), then press and neck harness.  Once that was down, I did my shrugs in one big set, took a 2 minute rest and hit that widowmaker.  After that, finished up the daily work, had some post workout nutrition, and came back for conditioning.  My elbows were aching, so I stayed away from doing a lot of cleans and went with the thrusters.  Idea was 75 or 10 minutes: whichever came first.  It was a decent burn, especially after burying myself on those squats.  If I can, I'll get in some more vest walks today, or just a regular walk.

Really seeing some positives from my nutrition.  I've been able to sleep in on the weekends again, aggression is up, and I'm feeling more and more "me" again.  I think the lesson I'm learning is that beef and eggs NEED to stay in the diet, no matter what.  When fat loss comes, I'll trim away from other sources.


2 mile 80lb weighted vest walk with dog

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