Tuesday, November 23, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2609


AM WORKOUT (0317 natural wake up) FASTED


18 rounds in 52.5 minutes

Notes: Just gonna explain this one. This is a prowler workout. I have the prowler loaded with 90lbs on one end, and 60 paces away are my 45lb kettlebells.

Odd round: Run to KBs, do 5 front squats, run back to prowler, low handle push it to the bells, then backwards drag it back to start.

Even round: Run to KBs, do 5 clusters, run back to prowler, low handle push it to bells, high handle push back to start

So why the cute name? Because in the middle of round 7, the cops rolled up on me. They’re were more than cool about the whole thing, considering I was shirtless in a high school parking lot in sub freezing weather pushing a prowler.

Exchange went like this

Me, delirious with prowler flu, trying to remember what time it was to render a proper time of day greeting “gasp, wheeze, Mornin’ Officer”

“Good morning…I THOUGHT that was what you were doing, but I had to come and verify just to be sure.”

“I appreciate you doing that.”-followed by me staring at him with dead sunken eyes.

“That looks like hard work!”


Awkward silence as I wonder if I should just keep pushing to signify that the exchange is over. Finally he says

“Well I’ll let you get back to it”

“Have a good morning”-finish up the high handle push

I figured it was a matter of time. I am SO glad I had my sweat pants on instead of my usual blue rehband shorts…


Closed the Captains of Crush #2 for a few dozen sets of 4, the 1 for 22 reps, and then walked for 50 minutes with an 80lb vest in the evening.

Kiddo and I have a big day planned tomorrow, to include a trampoline park, lunch at the Golden Corral (their choice) and mini-golfing, kicking off with a 2 mile walk with our dog.  I'm gonna Crushing BtM Week 3 workout 1 in the AM.  Looking at the squat weights with zero fear: excitement instead on destroying them.  My mind is right.


  1. That picture of Mike Tyson at the end of the Holyfield fight facing off with terrified security instantly came to mind but glad it was a friendly exchange, haha.

    1. I had to google image search that to really appreciate it and now I want it as a gym banner, haha.
