Wednesday, March 2, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2705


DEEP WATER BEGINNER, Week 3, Workout 3

AM WORKOUT (0315 wake up via dog)

Axle clean and push press away



5x10 band pull aparts

Neck work

Immediately after the 10th set, I ran through lateral raises and the core superset without rest

Lateral raises





20xEmpty hands

Reverse hyper superset w/Standing ab wheel


Poundstone Curls


30 GHRs



5 rounds of the following circuit

10 KB swings w/40kg bell

5 burpee chins

10 swings

5 dips

50 swing cashout

Time: 18:58

25 pushdowns


2 mile 80lb weighted vest walk w/dog

Notes: 2:45 between sets of push presses. I absolutely destroyed push presses today. I’m not sure what I am becoming, but it’s nutty. I was always a deadlifter that muddle through squats and push presses, and now my squats are on fire and push presses “make sense” and my deadlift falls apart. It’s all transformation and I’ll take it. I’m sure the daily front squats are playing a big role there. I’ve got some quads finally.

Had a few issues on some sets of the weight carrying me forward, which would disrupt flow, but otherwise I was able to use the rebound from one rep to launch into another.

Honestly forgot what my PR was on Poundstones, so went with 198. It was awful. That’s the goal.

That little conditioning circuit was slick. Got in 250 swings that way. I keep listening to Dan John podcasts and that 10k swing challenge keeps getting in my head. I’ll run a program one day where I include that as well.

Since I was supposed to work nights yesterday, work let me come in a little late today, so I was able to get in that walk with the dog. Glad I could. I’ve just been getting in a ton of training.

On the nutrition front, continuing to nickel and dime stuff. Added some grassfed butter to the morning breakfast burrito. Been eating a lot of canned wildcaught salmon as well. Just kinda got a bug about it. Smell pisses off the Mrs, so I only really eat it when she’s not teleworking.

I’m honestly just in a great place right now. Been a while since I felt so good.


Tabata KB front squats w/52.5lb bells.  8s across, 10 on final round.

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