Tuesday, March 22, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2726

DEEP WATER BEGINNER, Week 6, Workout 3

AM WORKOUT (0320 Natural Wake up)

Axle clean and strict press away

10x10x141 w/1:50 between sets

5x10 band pull aparts between first 5 sets

Immediately after 10th set, no rest (raise-core)

DB lateral raise stripset





26xEmpty hands

Reverse hyper/standing ab wheel


50 dips

25 pushdowns

Poundstone curls

131xAxle w/2.5lbs




12 rounds of burpee chins, but EMOM do 2 KB clusters w/60lb bells, go for max burpee chins

Got 57 done in 12 rounds

Notes: Demolished this workout. Very little drama on the pressing: just a slight grind on the 100th rep. Sitting now, I apparently re-tweaked my left trap, but it took hours to discover that, so definitely not as bad as last time. Probably just a recurring annoyance now.

The Poundstone curls felt particularly on point today. Fantastic bicep burn.

That conditioning exercise is nice and brutal. A Kalsu-lite approach, similar to Faust as well. Pushing it to 100 sometime is definitely in the future.

This was the final “hard” workout of the program. I’ll need to figure out numbers/methods soon, but I have it pretty well sorted already. Time to grow.

Got those tabata front squats in.  Got 8s across.

Another stellar "get to yes" moment.  I was running VERY late coming home from work.  We have to leave the house by 1740 to get to one of my kid's after school functions.

I pull into my garage at 1739.

I throw off my work clothes, grab a pair of sweatpants I had on the stairs (what I wear in the morning BEFORE I put on my work clothes), duck into the kitchen, grab a can of salmon, a can opener and a plastic fork, and jump back into the car.  It's 1740. 

My wife drives, we arrive, and I tell her I'll meet her inside.  I find a trashcan outside the building, crack open the salmon (didn't want to smell up her car) and speed eat it.  Yes: I looked like a disheveled hobo, eating a can of salmon in a pair of old sweats outside an after-school function.  Yes: I got my dinner AND still got to be with my family.


  1. "Yes: I got my dinner AND still got to be with my family."

    Your own "LaVonda Sue from Powerlifting Basics" moment.
