Thursday, March 24, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2728

DEEP WATER BEGINNER Week 6, Workout 5 (Final workout) FASTED

AM WORKOUT (0335 wake up via alarm)

20 rounds of

3 KB front squats w/60lb bells

Sprint up hill

Jog down it

Done in 49:50

Cashout w/10 KB clusters+front rack carry the bells back to the truck


50 chins

50 dips

40 reverse hypers w/90lbs

20 standing ab wheels

50 pull aparts

25 pushdowns

Notes: Another one of those instances where I felt like I was really dogging it and moving slow and then the clock showed otherwise. I suppose I hold myself to a higher standard and always expect to be able to push harder, but turns out I AM pushing harder. Hard to get that feedback with hills vs weights. Hitting triples of 120lbs on front squats beforehand probably doesn’t help either. Big fan of the cashout I’ve thrown in at the end there.

Fun times at Tang Soo Do last night. Sparring night, so we worked the bags for a bit. Found out that I can do a spin outside crescent kick with the left leg just fine, but every time I tried with my right I fell into it. I think that might be the ghost of my reconstructed knee showing itself: still some balancing issues. During the warm-ups, we were told “hands only”, and soon into it my instructor cocks his head to the side and asks me “Did you ever box?”

I sheepishly reply “Little bit”

“It shows”

Bit by bit the truth is coming out.

In THAT regard, got matched up with the senior student for a round. He’s in not great physical shape, and our sparring is “no contact”. Bad combo, because people get sloppy when they get tired. He threw a wild roundhouse kick at my head and I went right back to Muay Thai and shelled up and put my elbow point straight into his shin. Having grown up “non-contact”, he was NOT anticipating how much that would hurt. Comedic point being my instructor telling the senior that HE would have lost a point in that exchange for trying to kick the back of my head.

In general, I’m feeling looser in sparing and allowing myself to dip a bit more into the well. Still trying to stick with Tang Soo Do, but if I see an opportunity to use something that works, I’ll use it. I had some solid peek-a-boo shelling and moving during a punch exchange, and kick checking is an effective deterrent.

Onto exciting times: my kid’s school is having a fundraiser at Panda Express tonight, so that’s what we’re doing for dinner, which is awesome because it means I don’t have to kick and I can eat a BUNCH of chicken thighs tonight in preparation for Deep Water Intermediate. I’ll be doing 10x10 squats with 375lbs, which puts me right at about 100lbs more weight than I did my first Deep Water run with. Sometimes, I think I’m just spinning my wheels, and other times I see stuff like that and realize that things are still moving forward.

Got in the Tabata front squats and actually got a 9 on the final round.  Great way to end the run with the 60s.  Gonna up the weight tomorrow.  Technically, it's box jumps instead of lunges at this point, but we'll see what I go with.


  1. It's probably obvious that you're a strength enthusiast, but does the instructor know how much you lift or that you're a strongman? You hiding your martial arts history is like when Goku used to hide his power level. Haha.

    No contact sparring seems like it's just for the sake of learning how to move around a live person and maybe get some distance awareness, but it probably reinforces some bad habits for actually executing the techniques right?

    1. I think I've brought up being a strongman before, but I haven't talked lifting numbers. I never really care to bring those up in public.

      The no-contact stuff is really just a game. The instructor is clear about that as well: this isn't self-defense, it's not how you fight, this is just a sport, etc. It's good to have that distinction.
