Friday, March 25, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2729


AM WORKOUT (0318 Natural Wake up)

Warm-up with 3 rounds of box squat triples and buffalo bar squats

Buffalo Bar Squats

10x10x375 w/3:50 between sets

KB front rack lunges


Reverse hyper (RIP Louie Simmons)/standing ab wheel (no rest between sets)




Deadlifts w/278-chins-dips

15-10-5 in 5:48

50 pull aparts

20 dips

25 pushdowns

Notes: I honestly had so many self-congratulatory things to say, so let me just say that I absolutely crushed this and Deep Water continues to transform me into some sort of horrible monster. I’m in a very interesting place training-wise compared to previous runs. Today, I got under the first set of 10, unracked it, thought “f**k this feels heavy”, got out my 10 reps and thought “that sucked: maybe the second set will feel better”. The second set felt just as bad as the first. I thought the third might feel better: it didn’t. But I started to notice something: the sets felt AS BAD as the first one. Meaning: they weren’t getting worse. Typically, my first 3 sets were my strongest, and then, from there, I would just die little by little until, by set 10, I was a shell of my former self. Instead, I’d die within each set, get reborn in the rest periods, and die again. Once again: conditioning is magic: I could fully recover within the timespan such that I could just keep hitting these really hard sets over and over again. THAT is going to cause some serious transformations.

Minimal drama on set 10: had to stop at the top of reps 9 and 10 to take in ONE deep breath and then continue. Contrast that with the typical 4-7 breaths.

Front rack lunges proved difficult. Less the legs: more maintaining the rack. Had to set the bells down on the 9th rep of the final set to regroup. And then the reverse hyper/ab wheel superset took out what was left of me.

Went light on the deads for conditioning today. Time was getting away from me, and with how hard I pushed the squats, it seemed like the safe call. And there’s still Tang Soo Do and KB Tabata front squats to carry me through the day. And the light weight meant moving faster, which made things suck in a different way.

My appetite is through the roof these days. Good to be back to that. Putting away solid food choices as I go and seeing the growth.

I’m belt testing in Tang Soo Do tomorrow. It’s exciting times.


Got in the tabata KB front squats with 62.5lb bells.  Got 8s through the first 6 rounds, 6 on the 7th round, set the bells down and got 7 on the 8th round.  Given the 100 squats this morning, I'm not sweating it: it's going to be a good challenge.

TSD was a solid workout for building up a sweat.  Lots of time on the bags.


  1. Why don't you use your Front Squat harness for Front Rack Lunges?
