Sunday, March 20, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2724

Slept off and on until 0630 and knocked out a fasted 100 burpee chins in 11:41. Went for 105 in 12:20.

Knocked out the daily work, hit up the tabata KB front squats w/60lb bells (8s across, very strong 8) and immediately went from there on my 2 mile 80lb weighted vest walk with the dog.  Figured I'd keep my heart rate up as long as possible.  Did the same thing yesterday actually.

Mrs took the kiddo out for some bonding, so made myself a surf and turf burger for dinner.  Mahi mahi and chicken, with fat free cheese and air fried onions next to asparagus fries and sugar free ketchup.

After that, I just crashed.  I'm actually in the process of that.  Just sitting down, watching some Rick n Morty and drinking something carbonated.  I think, without the family around, I let my guard down and stop being "on".  Been a LONG time since I just did nothing.  It's good for me.

All that said, this is the final week of beginner and we start intermediate on Friday.  I'm halfway through the gaining block.  Gotta hit the next level on the calories and make the most of it.


  1. Hey Mythicalstrength how do you feel about stone lifting as a general strength builder? Would you ever do work with a stone trainer if you weren't specifically training for stones at a competition?

    1. Hey man, stones are awesome. Only thing keeping me from using them more in my training is I'm training at 0330 and my family is still sleeping.
