Sunday, April 3, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2378

Slept until 0620, woke up and hit a fasted 100 burpee chins in 12:33. Not my fastest at all, but it was the right move for this morning. Took on more training than I anticipated and I felt like I was hit by a truck. Thankfully, the solutions are obvious: up the dose. More food ahoy.  On that note, as part of my effort to eat more meat and less yogurt...

Got in my Tabata KB front squats around 0900 with the 47.5lb bells.  Yesterday's ABC's showed themselves, as this was brutal.  2 mile 80lb weighted vest walk and daily work closed things out.


  1. Hey Mythicalstrength, who do you think would win a boxing match during their best periods? Mike Tyson or Muhammad Ali?
