Sunday, April 24, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2397


So today was another absolute and total: "get to yes" day.

Woke up first at 0425. Mrs had an alarm set from the previous weekend’s marathon. After that, work up at 0630 for a different alarm, immediately got out of bed and hit 23 ABCs with 47.5lbs in 5 minutes, fasted, in my pajamas. Things are really in a good way there, especially doing that after my 100 rep squat day.

Talked about my double alarm morning.  After breakfast, I cleaned up, took out the trash and got 50 burpee chins done in 6 minutes and some change.  Just enough time to come inside, prep lunch and a snack for myself before taking the kid out to Tang Soo Do.  Before we got there, I had enough time for us to swing into Sam's Club and get a few groceries (they currently have the best eggs I can get, along with choice celery and other produce).  

Took the kid to TSD.  They got another stripe on their belt because they're a total rockstar.  To celebrate, back to Sam's for a slice of pizza while I ate my pre-packed shrimp, lean ham, broccoli and cauilflower (basically all the week's leftovers shoved into a sealed glass container), dropped the kid off at a birthday party.  Had 2 hours, got the Costco shopping done, came back home in time to unload all the cold stuff, and had time for

Tabata KB front squats

Before rushing out the garage, still huffing and puffing, pick the kid up, bring them home, grab a 20 minute power nap before the whole family goes out for a light dinner and to take in a play at the local theater (Giraffes Can't Dance.  We appreciate the finer things).

Get home, have the kiddo take a shower before getting ready for bed, during which time I get in

24 ABCs with 24kg bells in under 5 minutes

So, 2 5 minute workouts, 1 6 and 1 4.  20 total minutes of training today, and all of them absolutely brutal.  

There's always time.  We'll find a way.

Proofing my wife's paper for her second masters as she's getting in a run on the treadmill, because, like me, she is also absolutely insane.

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