Friday, April 8, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2383


AM WORKOUT (0315 natural wake up)

Warm-up: 3 rounds of box jump triples and buffalo bar squats

Buffalo bar Squat (3:45 between sets)



KB front rack lunges


Reverse hyper/standing ab wheel


30 GHRs



295lb deadlift-chin-dips


Time: 6 minutes flat

20 chins

20 dips

50 pull aparts

25 pushdowns

Notes: I absolutely slaughtered this. Once again: very first set, I unracked the bar and thought “f**k this feels heavy”, and it felt that way for every set after that, yet I still hammered every rep with no drama. The final rep of the final set required me to breathe out and rebrace before I hit it, and that was about it. Typically, the final 2 sets require much breathing and rebracing on the final few reps. My conditioning is through the roof, and those daily Tabata front squats are absolutely showing themselves. There’s honestly a touch of ennui here, as the squats used to be a real test of my mettle and now are just something I do. Deads next week will test me, as they bring a lot of pain with them. Went with 12 on the first set vs my original plan of slotting it into the middle of the workout: just made more sense at the time. My right elbow is a little achy: I think some added bodyweight has slightly altered where the bar sits on my shoulders. I dealt with that to the extreme when I had gained up to 210. Belt was very snug this morning, and I’ve been experiencing not as awesome digestion. I imagine I’m just hitting that wall that comes with sustained gaining. I started feeling nauseous around set 7 or so, but it was less from squats and more just a general crappy feeling.

Lunges were fantastic insult to injury at the end. Conditioning answered the mail for getting in my 30 reps of deads, and I’ve got Tang Soo Do and tabata front squats on deck. Tomorrow is my 10 mile race: doing that the day after Deep Water squats is awesomely stupid.


Tabata KB front squats w/47.5lb bells upon getting home, then Tang Soo Do in the evening. Thankfully not too many jump kicks tonight. Trying to improve my landing. Time to eat, sleep, and run.


  1. 10 mile run after this? You're on a roll and destroying everything in sight. Eating lightning and crapping thunder.
