Thursday, April 7, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2382


AM WORKOUT (0345 wake up via alarm) FASTED

20 rounds of Dan John’s “Armor Building Complex” in 5 minutes using Tabata Intervals: 2 Complexes per round w/24kg bells

2+ mile 80lb weighted vest walk


50 chins

50 dips

40 reverse hypers

20 standing ab wheels

50 pull aparts

25 band push downs

Notes: Got a lot of thoughts I want to get down and I’m inevitably going to forget half of them so here we go.  First: this isn’t any particular “Deep Water” day, but day 5 is 20 minutes of some sort of effort.  My schedule is a little wonky this week with my 10 mile race on Saturday, so I took my typical Saturday and got it done today.  

The ABCs (Armor Building Complex…what a perfect initialism) are part of a challenge over on reddit based off a comment Dan John had made that 30 ABCs in 5 minutes with the 24s is good work.  I got 17 in 5 minutes my first time trying for the 30, so this time it was about seeing how many I COULD get done in 5 minutes if that was my goal.  I MAY have been able to get in 21 if I skipped the final rest period, but this was an absolute burner.  It’s been about 4 hours since I did the workout and I still have some “lung rocks”, which, those who have experienced it know exactly what I’m talking about and those who haven’t wouldn’t understand it no matter how hard I explained it.

I’m gonna take the moment to brag that these ABCs got done at 0400, fasted, with no warm up and no drama.  Always ready.

Straight from the ABCs, I threw on the vest and went for the walk.  Figured it’d keep my heart rate high throughout.  It was 19mph winds out today, so I’m glad I had the vest on to keep me grounded.

Came home, drank my shake and knocked out the majority of my daily work.  I was curious about the impact of all these burpee chins, as the movement itself is definitely more difficult than a burpee or chin in isolation, but it means less time spent hanging on the bar.  Didn’t know if I may be detraining my chinning ability.  Well, I knocked out 20 chins with no issue in my first set and then got in sets of 10 to round out the 50, whereas, typically, after weighted vest walks I’m good for 15 and then random spurts of 6s and 8s.  It had an impact alright: a positive one.  Might be something to the idea that the first chin is the most difficult one, and I’m just doing that over and over again.

More thoughts: My knees definitely weren’t happy with the jump kicks from Tang Soo Do.  Even with my introduction of box jumps, I make a point to jump up to the box and step down from it, rather than jump down.  I may need to spend some time working on my ability to land.  My disposition is really in a great place these days: I look forward to the training days I typically am averse to.   

The only downside to how I approach training is that there is SO much stuff going on that writing it all down is a chore.  I say that because I feel like this week perfectly captures “more trouble than I am worth”, and I should really write it all down as a snapshot at some point.  To review though: I started off the week with 10x10 strict press cleaning the first rep of each set, then the next day was 10x10 power cleans, then benching, then I’m doing kettlebell work with weighted vest walks before we do 100 squats in 9 sets, then a 10 mile run.  In between all that is 2 Tang Soo Do classes.  After each lifting workout was a conditioning workout that filled in any gaps that were missing.  And ON TOP of all that is daily Tabata KB front squats.  Oh, and, of course, my daily work.  This is diverse and broad and all over and demanding and just captures it all.  And it’s fueled with solid nutrition.


Tabata KB front squats w/47.5lb bells.  Going until the whistle blows, first thing upon getting in the garage.  It's still amazingly awful.

Deep Water squats tomorrow. Ready to crush it.


  1. Hi Mythicalstrength. Just curious, do you have or have you done any conditioning workouts that have a bit of a posterior chain focus?

    1. Hey man, that's like the vast majority of what I do, haha. Whole body even better, but definitely get the pulling, loading and prowler work in.
